A Closer Look at the K-12 Canvas Expectations and CSD Style Guide

Teacher Account Settings (Exemplars) ● Profle picture is set.

○ It is recommended that you use an actual photo of yourself. This allows students to make a personal connection with the person behind the screen. ● Set notifcation preferences in account settings and forward messages from Canvas inbox to email. ● Optional: select pronouns you identify with. ○ For example: she/her, he/him, they/them.

Training Resources: ● How do I edit my profle picture? ● How do I edit my notifcation preferences? ● How do I select my pronouns?

Canvas Course (Exemplars) ● Every K-12 teacher uses and publishes the course that is created through the Canvas/Skyward sync. ○ K-5 minimum: teachers will publish and use their Homeroom, ○ If you are an educator who does not have a course created through the Canvas/Skyward sync, you may create your own course. (this applies to counselors, specialists, AC & ETC coaches, etc.)

● Optional: cross-list courses that represent multiple sections that are present in their Skyward gradebook. If you have not done this before, work with your school’s ed tech coach. ○ K-5: This is most applicable for Dual Immersion teacher teams.

Training Resources

● How do I publish a course? ● How do I crosslist my Canvas courses? (work with your school’s Ed Tech Coach) ● How do I edit my Canvas dashboard?

Course Navigation (Exemplars)

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