Canyons School District

Instructional Supports Department


Effective technology integration in the classroom requires teachers to be intentional with its use to create learning experiences that optimize student learning and instructional time. Educators should regularly evaluate the alignment of technology integration with learning outcomes. The Technology Integration Checklist has been designed to help to identify if the technology used directly supports the desired learning outcomes and provides a high level of learning. It prompts reflection on relevance, engagement, usability, accessibility, and instructional time. By intentionally applying this checklist and incorporating the principles of TPACK and SAMR, educators can make informed decisions regarding technology integration, resulting in meaningful and impactful learning experiences for students. ❏ Activity is directly aligned to grade level learning objectives and standards Engagement in the Learning ❏ Learning is visible ❏ The technology motivates students to actively participate in the learning process ❏ The technology provides elements of WISR/WICOR ❏ The technology facilitates opportunities for collaboration and co-construction of knowledge ❏ The technology allows students to stay on task ❏ The technology causes a shift in student engagement, moving from passive to active learners Enhancement of the Learning Goals ❏ The technology facilitates increasing levels of DOK ❏ The technology provide supports (scaffolds and/or accommodations) to increase the understanding of concepts or ideas (e.g. differentiate, personalize, or scaffold learning) ❏ The technology creates paths for students to demonstrate their understanding of the learning goals in a way that they could not do with traditional tools (SAMR) Extending the Learning Goals ❏ The technology creates opportunities for students to learn outside of the typical school day (24/7 connection) ❏ The technology connects learning goals with real life experiences ❏ The technology allows students to build authentic skills, which they can use in their everyday lives Alignment to Learning Objectives and Standards

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