Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
Effect Size 0.92
Implementation Tools
Critical Actions for Educators
Teachers are responsible for overseeing and guiding their students as needed throughout the school day to ensure their success and prevent problems behaviors from occurring. Basic active supervision practices include movement, scanning and positive interactions. Movement When moving around the classroom, come into contact with many students. Move in random patterns, planning to reach all areas. This strategy allows the teacher to look for opportunities to acknowledge appropriate student behavior. Scanning When scanning the classroom, scan with your eyes and ears, specifcally looking for cues in students’ behaviors and voices. Watch and listen for appropriate and inappropriate behavior and increase opportunities for positive contact with students. Positive Interactions Being a positive supervisor means creating a friendly atmosphere. Make an effort to connect with individual students and students in groups. Reinforce students when their behavior is appropriate and let students know you appreciate their behavior.
------------------------------ ● Identify times and places that are most problematic. ● Be visible and active. ● Reinforce appropriate student behavior. ● Use software such
as LanSchool to monitor content on student devices.
Tips for Effective Active Supervision
● Stand at the door and welcome students prior to class time, prompting those students who need extra support. ● Face your students as much as possible. ● Arrange teacher and student desks to be able to see and easily access all students. ● Strategically place students when using devices where screens are visible. ● Seat students who need additional assistance near the teacher. ● Scan the room frequently at regular intervals to notice and praise appropriate behaviors. ● Throughout instruction and during transitions, a teacher is better able to actively supervise by moving about the room and interacting with students rather than remaining at one location, such as at a desk.
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