Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
Reliability is the degree to which a measure is free of error. All tests contain error resulting from characteristics of the test (such as poorly designed questions), characteristics of the test taker (such as bad day, lack of sleep, misreading questions, anxiety, lack of effort), and characteristics of the environment (such as distracting noises, room temperature, distracting odors) Reading Inventory (RI) (formerly Scholastic Reading Inventory) is a computer administered reading test that measures inferential and literal reading comprehension skills. Scores are reported in numeric Lexile scores. Percentile ranks are also available. RI was designed primarily to match students with books of an appropriate level of diffculty. It is a particularly good assessment for identifying advanced readers. It has a disadvantage of not being as sensitive to growth as are CBM measures, of being subject to student sloughing, and having limited reliability if not administered the appropriate number of times. The Readiness, Improvement, Success, Empowerment (RISE) assessment is Utah’s multistage, computer adaptive, criterion referenced assessment system that includes summative tests for English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, Science, and Writing Restorative Practices (RP) in schools are ways of pro-actively developing relationships and community, as well as repairing relationships and community when harm is done The department of Student Support Services includes prevention, intervention, and postvention services for students and families. District and school professionals provide resources for administrators, teachers, families, and students, especially those who are experiencing challenges that create barriers to student wellness and achievement. These services may include: individual assessment, behavioral and health support, counseling, crisis management, mediation, and restorative justice. Behavioral, health, and safety supports are a vital part of a comprehensive school program's success. Supporting Advanced Learners Towards Achievement (SALTA) is Canyons’ magnet program for gifted and talented students Self-Assessment of MTSS (SAM) is an instrument used to measure school-level implementation of MTSS, which provides the framework for schools to integrate academic, behavior, and social-emotional supports. Quality implementation of MTSS is associated with the increased likelihood that instruction and interventions will lead to successful student outcomes SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modifcation, and Redefnition) is a framework that categorizes four different degrees of classroom technology integration Standards-Based Grading and reporting measures student learning in order to understand the effectiveness of instruction. Instead of a single overall grade, SBG breaks down the subject matter into smaller “learning targets.” Each target is a teachable concept that students should master by the end of the course. Skills-based Instruction (SBI) is a structure for providing reading instruction that is targeted to students' skill level. Essential components include teaching essential reading skills, differentiating instruction based on assessment results providing explicit and systematic instruction with ample opportunities for practice and feedback, responding to student progress data, and creating an atmosphere that is motivating and engaging.
Student Support Services
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