Outdoor Recreation Strand5

● Rec.5.1 Engage family members in outdoor recreation through shared experiences. ● Rec.5.2 Relate the use of SMART goals in outdoor recreation. ● Rec.5.3 Know and practice outdoor stewardship appropriate for various types of activity and locations (e.g., city park, state parks, national forests, national parks, other public lands). Understand potential consequences of not practicing outdoor stewardship (e.g., water quality, fre danger, wildlife habitat). ● Rec.5.4 Locate opportunities to join others to develop lifelong relationships through outdoor recreation. ● Rec.5.5 Focus on self-improvement using personal accomplishments to increase self-esteem and self-worth. ● Rec.5.6 Recognize opportunities for outdoor recreation in one’s community and expanded environment, including volunteerism. ● Rec.5.7 Recognize and understand the economic impact on tourism, promotion, and participation of leisure activities through outdoor recreation. ● Rec.5.8 Recognize education, job, and career opportunities available as students learn skills and leadership related to outdoor recreation activities.


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