Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
Effect Size 0.59
Implementation Tools
Critical Actions for Educators
Explicit instruction is a systematic method of teaching in small chunks, checking for student understanding, and achieving active and successful participation by all students.
------------------------------- ● Give directions that are clear, straightforward, and unequivocal. ● Explain, demonstrate logical order. Supporting sequence of instruction in lesson plans. ● Break skills down into manageable steps. Review frequently. ● Demonstrate the skills for students and then give the opportunity to practice skills independently. ● I do, We Do, Y’all Do, You do and model. Introduce skills in a specifc and
Explicit Instruction is generally characterized with the following components: I Do, We Do, Y’all Do, and You Do. This model allows for instructional agility as teachers use student feedback to determine how to progress through instruction. For instance, if students are in the “We Do” phase, and the teacher has determined through checks for understanding that students are not understanding, the teacher moves back to the “I Do” phase to provide more modeling and examples.
Teacher Responsibility
Student Responsibility
Demonstrate & describe Use Think-Alouds Involve students Provide frequent feedback Heavily scaffold with prompts ● Tell them what to do. ● Ask them what to do. ● Remind them what to do. Continual checks for understanding Provide feedback Reteach when necessary Set up groups and partners intentionally Continual checks for understanding Provide feedback Reteach when necessary Monitor individual practice Provide feedback Reteach when necessary
Listen attentively Respond to OTRs Take notes (Cornell Notes) Ask questions
I Do (Teacher Modeling)
Group practice with teacher feedback Ask questions for clarity Respond to OTRs
We Do (Guided Practice)
Practice skill(s) in small groups/ partners Partner practice with teacher and peer feedback Ask questions for clarity Respond to OTRs
Y’all Do (Group Practice)
Show mastery of skill Ask questions for clarity Respond to feedback
You Do (Individual Practice)
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