Supplemental Standards- Dance


The goal of physical education is to develop healthy, responsible students who have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to work together in groups, think critically, and participate in a variety of activities that lead to a lifelong healthy lifestyle. For graduation, students must complete courses in each of the following physical education courses: Participation Skills and Techniques, Fitness for Life, and Individual Lifetime Activities. Dance courses may be used to fulfll the graduation requirement for Individual Lifetime Activities when the course meets the Core Standards. These supplemental standards out- line how a dance course fulflls the graduation requirement using the strands from the Utah Core Standards for Physical Education.

Dance Strand1

● Dance.1.1 Demonstrate proprioceptive awareness and overall body coordination during locomotor and axial movement. Demonstrate appropriate anatomical alignment and balance, as well as body actions like isolation and segmentation. ● Dance.1.2 Utilize spatial elements by designing and sculpting still body-shapes, and exploring levels and foor/air pathways, all while maintaining a sense of spatial design in relation to other dancers, objects, and environment. ● Dance.1.3 Demonstrate time elements by analyzing and performing metric and non-metric rhythms, and a variety of tempi. ● Dance.2.1 Use the elements (e.g., body, space, time, energy) of dance to create a movement study based on a central idea or intent. Apply knowledge of the elements of dance to improve performance and movement exercises. ● Dance.2.2 Apply body-mind and anatomical principles to a range of technical dance skills for achieving fuency of movement. ● Dance.2.3 Identify individual strengths and weaknesses within the dancer’s body, articulate personal artistic performance goals, and develop a plan to optimize technique and kinesiological access. Implement the plan, and document personal improvement over time. Dance Strand2



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