Physical Education Overview
Active Healthy Lifestyle for All Students
The goal of Physical Education (PE) is to develop healthy, responsible students who have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to work together in groups, think critically, and participate in a variety of activities that lead to a lifelong healthy lifestyle (2016 Utah Health Standards).” In essence PE develops the positive practices of physical and mental health that students learn in health class. In a quality PE class students should be engaging in movement, exercise, playing games, and applying social skills such as following rules, navigating disputes, and encouraging others. Recommendations from physician organizations and from Center for Disease Control suggest that students should be active for at least 60 minutes per day in order to be healthy. A large body of research indicates that what is good for the heart is also good for the brain. Building healthy habits of exercise and physical recreation yields dividends in terms of cognitive acuity, emotional regulation, social integration, as well as physical ftness. 5 Strands of Physical Education Standards Physical Skills: Competency in motor skills and movement patterns Physical Training Knowledge & Application : Application of knowledge to attain effcient movement and performance Understanding: Understanding of components necessary to maintain healthy levels of ftness to support physical activity Social Skills: Developing cooperative skills and positive personal behavior through communication and respect for self and others Values: Appraising the personal value of physical activity as a tool for wellness, challenges, and interacting with appropriate social skills with friends and family
Physical Education Opportunities
PD Opportunities
Links to Additional Resources
● State Resources
● CSD District Day - Secondary ● District Early Out Meetings ● SHAPE Utah - Spring 2024 ● New AD Workshop ○ Sept. 12, 2023 @ UHSAA
○ Utah State Offce of Education Physical Education site ○ Utah State Offce of Education, Physical Education Core Standards ○ Adapted Physical Education Guidebook ○ Department of Wildlife - contacts for individual lifetime activities such as archery and fshing.
○ Open to all PE teachers & coaches ○ Free with grant from NIAAA ○ Contact Sally for registration info. ○ 3 Courses (2 in-person, 1 online) ○ Approx. 12 hours total
● National Resources ○ SHAPE ● Other Resources
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