BHS Music Resource guide

Sample Question Stems DOK 1: Who wrote _____? What is this symbol _____?



• Identify rhythmic musical notation including whole note, half note, quarter note, and eighth-note pairs.

Students recall previously learned information and make an automatic response.

• Identify the musical terms piano , forte , crescendo, and diminuendo .

• Echo short rhythmic and melodic patterns on a classroom instrument.

DOK 2: Demonstrate _____. How are _____ and _____ alike? Different? Can you relate _____ to _____? What interval am I singing?

• If there are four beats in each measure and you have four measures, how many beats do you have? Write this as a math problem. • Read and perform a short piece of music using effective expression (i.e., dynamics and tempo). • Develop criteria to distinguish between quality and non-quality performance through listening and self-assessment of tone quality, expression, phrasing, pitch, and rhythmic accuracy. • Evaluate a recorded performance. Provide supporting details for your assessment.

Students convert rhythmic notation into mathematical equations, which demonstrates understanding of a concept.

Students apply concepts through performing.

DOK 3: What makes this performance superior to others you have listened to?

Students evaluate a performance and give a rationale for their assessment.

DOK 4: Create a musical composition using instruments or voices of your choice that creates a mood of increasing intensity.

• Improvise a melody and/or harmonic accompaniment with

Students create and perform their own improvisation.

variations, within specified guidelines, (e.g., a chord progression).

• Compose, in 2 or more parts, an 8 measure phrase with no non-chord tones.

Students compose within specified guidelines.


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