BHS Music Resource guide

• Standard L1.MI.P.2: With guidance, discuss various elements of a musical work.

• Standard L1.MI.P.3: With guidance, make appropriate interpretive musical decisions as a soloist/ensemble. • Standard L1.MI.P.4: Produce an appropriate tone over a moderate range of the instrument, using correct posture and physical connection to the instrument.

• Standard L1.MI.P.5: Demonstrate fluency in the following technical performance skills:

a. Basic major scales

b. Chromatic scale with limited range

c. Articulation

d. Dynamics

e. Rhythmic accuracy

f. Note accuracy

g. Ensemble listening

h. Tuning

i. Targeted practice techniques

j. Balance/blend

k. Rudimentary ear training

• Standard L1.MI.P.6: Demonstrate notational literacy, including sight-reading.

• Standard L1.MI.P.7: Demonstrate productive rehearsal habits, both as an individual and as an ensemble member. • Standard L1.MI.P.8: Watch and respond appropriately to the conductor and perform with technical accuracy, utilizing appropriate phrasing, dynamics, style, tempo, balance and blend to express ideas and emotions.

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