BHS Music Resource guide
-Consider a selection of music to determine the culture and purpose behind its creation.
Inquiry, Speaking, Listening, Writing
Interpretation Phrasing Style Musicianship Emphasis
Phrasing Dynamics Style Tempo Balance Blend Contrast Melody/harmony/harmonic rhythm Register Tone Tempo Emphasis/metric emphasis Accent/agogic accent/weight Interpretation
Make appropriate interpretive musical decisions as a soloist/ensemble. Utilize appropriate phrasing, dynamics, style, balance and blend to express ideas and emotions. Identify and defne the skills necessary and mechanisms available for making musical decisions: phrasing, dynamics, style, balance, blend, contrast, melody, harmony, register, tone, tempo, emphasis, etc.
Learning Intention: I am learning to play my instrument with beauty and an individual interpretation in mind that others can clearly understand/appreciate. Success Criteria : I know I’ll have it when, ● I know how to approach a variety of musical works in solo and ensemble settings with a baseline expressive approach. ● I can explain defnitions of interpretive/expressive terminology: phrasing, dynamics, style, balance, blend, contrast, melody, harmony, register, tone, tempo, emphasis, etc. ● I can give a convincing musical performance. LEARNING PROGRESSION EXAMPLE: ● Follow conductor’s directions, applying them to the repertoire (marking in, demonstrating the requested style suggestions). ● Determine one’s own expressive/interpretive markings; use and apply them for repertoire. ● Discuss the merits of various expressive choices. ● Select, from options, a convincing musical interpretation. ● Independently utilize musical elements to create an expressive performance. EXAMPLE LESSONS, ASSESSMENTS, and OTHER RESOURCES
Article: The Art of Interpretation of Band Music Rubric: UHSAA Large Instrumental Ensemble Rubric Rubric: UHSAA Instrumental Solo Rubric
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