BHS HS Spanish






3-4 weeks

Intermediate Mid

● Entre Culturas 4 Unit 2 ● Temas




● ¿Cómo la creatividad artística es una forma de expresión cultural? ● ¿Cómo los temas universales se re fl ejan en varias formas de arte? ● ¿Cómo el diseño se re fl eja en la identidad cultural? ● ¿Cómo la globalización tiene un impacto en lo que llevamos p uesto? ● la conciencia social ● expresiones artísticas ● globalización END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE EXPECTATIONS ● Compare products, practices and perspectives in different forms of art, fashion, and design; analyze the impact of globalization on what you wear. ● Understand essential information and the main ideas in authentic sources about different forms of art, fashion, design and the impact of globalization on other cultures. ● Exchange information and express opinions about the different forms of art, fashion, design and the impact of globalization on what people wear in other cultures. ● Present information to describe, narrate, inform, compare and make recommendations about different forms of art, fashion, design and the impact of globalization on what people wear in your own and other cultures Language Functions & Features: ● words and phrases related to the fi ne arts, theatrical arts, clothing and design (el arte escénico, la vestimenta y los diseños, los estilos globales, etc.) ● feminine nouns beginning with “a” (eg. el águila, el habla) ● present perfect to discuss things that have started in the past and continue to happen (eg. la globalización ha cambiado…) ● relative pronouns to refer to a noun, phrase, abstract concept previously mentioned in a sentence (eg. lo que más ha cambiado …) ● past participle as an adjective to describe objects, places or people (eg. ropa usada) fi les/resource/WIDA-ELD-Standards-Framework-2020.pdf SCAFFOLDING IN ACTION Skill Building ● Use a graphic organizer to differentiate vocabulary, phrases, & images for students to make associations between objects & vocabulary. ● Pair with partners to practice conversation/group students to allow opportunity for them to practice speaking. Before assigning students a conversation, model the conversation, and provide sentence frames or sentence starters. ● Use gestures and oral repetition of key phrases and words in multiple contexts. ● For additional adjective practice, have students change the adjective form from masculine to feminine, from singular to plural form to describe different individuals. ● Provide opportunities for more conversation with fl uent speakers via Zoom or Google Meet. ● Provide more complex text in Spanish for students to read. ● Have students record themselves speaking the language and re fl ect on their progress. ● Students can practice translating from English to Spanish in speech or writing. ● las artes visuales y escénicas ● la arquitectura ● la moda y el diseño ● de fi niciones de la creatividad Extension

*Updated 7.12.23

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