BHS HS Spanish







● Entreculturas Unit 5 & 6 ● Realidades 1 Temas 4A 5A 7A/B

5-6 weeks

Novice Mid




● What leisure activities help to de fi ne my community and me? ● How do popular celebrations re fl ect history and culture? ● How do leisure activities create bridges between cultures? ● How do the culture, climate and the people around us affect how we live, work and play? ● What makes a place unique? ● How do my surroundings shape my identity?

República Dominicana/Nueva York ● Mutual in fl uences between the U.S. and the Dominican Republic in sports and music ● Intergenerational participation in leisure activities Colombia/Florida ● Geographical features and iconic landmarks of other countries ● Comparing weather and climate of my region with that of Spanish-speaking regions ● Cultural products and practices that derive from the climate of a region

END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE EXPECTATIONS ● Discuss and/or describe leisure activities, musical genres and instruments, emotions and reactions using the language functions & features: ● future tense with ir+a+in fi nitive ● af fi rmative and negative expressions ● preterite (yo form) to talk about weekend activities ● Apply communication skills needed in social spaces in the community using language functions and features: ● common questions (How much does it cost?¿cuánto cuesta?) ● shopping vocabulary (clothing; numbers 200-1000, places, gifts, accessories, buyin/selling) ● stem-changing verbs: pensar –to think-, querer –want-, and preferir –prefer- ● demonstrative adjectives. ● preterite of –ar, -car and –gar verbs ● direct object pronouns lo, la, los, las –the- ● Discuss activities using the language functions and features: ● vocabulary associated with the weather/climate (weather terms, clothing, activities - eg. tener calor, frío, ganas de ● transportation and geographical location ● expressions for accepting and declining invitations (Me gustaría…) ● expressions with estar, hacer, and tener ● present progressive ● combining verbs (querer + inf., tener que + inf., etc.) fi les/resource/WIDA-ELD-Standards-Framework-2020.pdf SCAFFOLDING IN ACTION Skill Building ● Use a variety of visuals with captions to de fi ne meaning of words and phrases. ● Use Total Physical Response to review new vocabulary. ● Pair with partners to practice conversation/group students to allow opportunity for them to practice speaking. ● Provide opportunities for more conversation with fl uent speakers via Zoom or Google Meet. ● Interview or survey other students or bilingual individuals outside of class about a chosen topic in Spanish, then present their fi ndings to the class. ● Provide more complex text in Spanish for students to read. ● Have students record themselves speaking the language and re fl ect on their progress. ● Students can practice translating from English to Spanish in speech or writing. Model the conversation, and provide sentence frames or sentence starters. ● Use gestures and oral repetition of key phrases and words in multiple contexts. Extension

*Updated 7.12.23

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