BHS Earth Science Guide
Earth Science
Quarter 3
McGraw Hill Module 9
● Module Launch: 45 min ● Lesson 1: 45 min ● Lesson 2: 90 min ● Lesson 3: 90 min ● Lesson 4: 90 min ● Module Wrap-Up: 45 min
Module 9: Meteorology ● Phenomena: How do satellites help us track and predict weather? ● Lesson 1: The Causes of Weather ● Lesson 2: Weather Systems ● Lesson 3: Gathering Weather Data ● Lesson 4: Weather Analysis and Prediction
● I am learning how air masses affect weather patterns ● I am learning how global winds affect weather patterns ● I am learning how air pressure affects weather patterns ● I am learning how solar energy and weather differs based on latitude, elevation, and mountain and water proximity ● I am learning about technologies used to forecast weather ● I am learning how meteorologists use data patterns, graphs, and models to predict weather conditions ● I am learning about albedo and how it affects weather and climate
ESS 3.4 Analyze and interpret patterns in data about the factors infuencing weather of a given location. Emphasize the amount of solar energy received due to latitude, elevation, the proximity to mountains and/ or large bodies of water, air mass formation and movement, and air pressure gradients.
SKILLS (Verbs)
● Weather ● Climate ● Precipitation ● Airmasses ● Fronts ● Pressure ● Global Wind Patterns ● Solar Energy Absorption ● Rain Shadow
● Analyze and Interpret patterns indata ● Construct an explanation based on evidence
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