BHS Earth Science Guide
Earth Science
Quarter 1
McGraw Hill Module 23
● Module Launch: 45 min ● Lesson 1: 90 min ● Lesson 2: 90 min ● Lesson 3: 90 min ● Module Wrap-Up: 45 min
Module 23: Stars ● Phenomena: How do telescopes tell us what elements are in the stars? ● Lesson 1: The Sun ● Lesson 2: Measuring the Stars ● Lesson 3: Stellar Evolution
● Most of the mass in the solar system is found in theSun. ● Sun’s average density is approximately equal to that of the gas giant plants. ● The Sun has a layered atmosphere. ● The Sun’s magnetic feld causes sunspots and other solar activity. ● The fusion of hydrogen into helium provides the Sun’s energy and composition. clusters held together by gravity. ● The simplest cluster is a binary. ● Brightness of stars is related to their temperature. ● Stars are classifed by their spectra. ● Mass of a star determines its internal structure and its properties. ● Core temperatures that ● Most stars exist in
ESS.1.1 Develop a model based on evidence to illustrate the life span of the Sun and the role of nuclear fusion releasing energy in the Sun’s core. Emphasize energy transfer mechanisms that allow energy from nuclear fusion to reach Earth. Examples of evidence for the model could include observations of the masses and lifetimes of other stars, or non-cyclic variations over centuries. (PS1.C, PS3.D, ESS1.A, ESS1.B)
ESS 1.3 Develop a model to illustrate the changes in matter occurring in a star’s life cycle. Emphasize that the way different elements are created varies as a function of the mass of a star and the stage of its lifetime.
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