BHS Dance Resource Guide
students need to know and use?
Direct instruction of terms and definitions
Stems and prompts to help students use vocabulary in written and verbal activities
Knowledge of artistic elements and genres
What are the building blocks of meaning in arts texts?
Introduce and use artistic elements to plan, create, or respond to works in a specific content area
How do different genres in the art form convey meaning?
Include artistic elements in instruction and assessment
Analyze the purpose and format of a variety of genres
Visual, aural, and kinesthetic representations of ideas
How do visual elements convey ideas and emotion?
Instruction on meaning and purpose behind visual, aural, or kinesthetic choices
How do aural elements convey ideas and emotion?
Practice using and responding to visual, aural, and kinesthetic choices
How do physical actions, posture, gestures, and expression convey ideas and emotion?
Format and symbols in arts specific texts
How are arts texts different from other written works?
Direct instruction on how to understand and navigate art texts
What notations, symbols, or images are used in art texts?
Compare/contrast art-specific texts with other literary forms
Use of a variety of texts and formats to support instruction
Historical and cultural contexts of arts creation
What are the historical and cultural contexts that informed the creation of artworks? What influence do historical and cultural contexts have on who is creating art, who art is created for,
Instruction on contexts that informed the creation of artworks used of examined in class
Inquiry and research into contexts of artworks students select to explore
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