BHS Dance Resource Guide

● L1.D.CO.2: Identify a question or problem that could be explored through dance; conduct research using a variety of methods; create a dance that investigates the question posed; and discuss how the dance communicates new perspectives or realizations. ● L1.D.CO.3: Analyze and discuss dances from selected genres or styles and/or historical time periods, and formulate reasons for the similarities and differences between them in relation to the ideas and perspectives of the peoples from which the dances originate


Experience, view, research, compare, and discuss dances, styles, and genres across cultural and historical contexts. Explore and apply various criteria to interpret and evaluate how dance can express problems and perspectives. Apply appropriate genre-specific terms. Example of Learning Intention and Success Criteria Learning Intention: I am learning an understanding and appreciation of various dance styles so I can discuss, interpret, and evaluate how dance expresses problems and perspectives. Success Criteria: I’ll know I have it when, ● I can identify different dance styles and genres. ● I can use dance vocabulary to discuss how dance can express both problems and perspectives. Example of Learning Progression 1. Study and learn about a variety of dance styles and genres across cultural and historical contexts through the research process. 2. Learn genre-specific terms that apply to various dances. 3. Interpret and evaluate various dance styles and genres they learned in class utilizing the context of their culture and history 4. Apply genre-specific terms to your interpretations and evaluations of dance styles and genres. WISR CONNECTIONS:

Writing, Inquiry, Speaking, Listening, Reading, Viewing



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