BHS Chemistry Guide
Compounds and Mixtures
Quarter 2
HMHUnit 3
● The patterns of interactions between particles at the molecular scale are refected in the patterns of behavior at the macroscopic scale. ● Together, patterns observed at multiple scales can provide evidence of the causal relationships between the strength of the electrical forces between particles and the structure of substances at the bulk scale. Planning for this investigation In the investigation plan, students include: ● A rationale for the choice of substances to compare and a description of the composition of those substances at the atomic molecular scale. ● A description of how the data will be collected, the number of trials, and the experimental set up and equipment required. Collecting the data Students collect and record: ● Students collect and record data — quantitative and/or qualitative — on the bulk properties of substances. Refning the design Students evaluate their assessment including: ● Assessing the accuracy and precision of the data collected, as well as the limitations of the investigation ● The ability of the data to provide the evidence required. Standard 2.3 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Developing the claim Students (develop a claim, construct an argument) that is supported by generalizing from multiple sources of evidence, which includes the following idea: ● The structure and function of a macromolecule is a result of the interactions between and within the molecules Identifying scientifc evidence Students identify and describe evidence supporting the claim, including: ● The function (or properties) of the molecule ● A model (pictorial, physical, or computer generated) of the 3d structure of the molecule Evaluating and critiquing the evidence Students evaluate the evidence and include the following in their evaluation: ● The bonding occurring within the molecule ● The interactions attractions between two molecules or between two sections of the same molecule Reasoning and synthesis If necessary, students refne the investigational plan to ● Produce data to draw more effective conclusions
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