BHS Chemistry Guide
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Instructional Guide 202 4 -202 5
Brighton High
Unit 4: Stability and Change in Chemical Systems
Lesson 4.1: Observing and Modeling Chemical Reactions ● Standard 3.2 ● Standard 3.4 ( 3.3, 4.3) Lesson 4.2: Analyzing Chemical Reactions ● Standard 3.4 (3.2, 3.3, 4.3) Lesson 4.3: Investigating Energy and Chemical Reactions ● Standard 4.1 (3.3) ● Standard 4.5
Unit 1: Intro to chemistry (1week) ● Lesson 1: Exporting matter ○ Standard 2.2 ● Lesson 2: Chemistry and the Engineering Design Process ○ (Standard 2.4, 3.7, 4.3)
Unit 2: The Structure and Properties of Atoms Lesson 2.1: Modeling Atomic Structure ● Standard 1.1 (1.5, 2.2)
Unit 5: Energy in Chemical Systems
Lesson 5.1: Investigating Reaction Rates ● Standard 3.6 Lesson 5.2: Exploring Chemical Equilibrium ● Standard 3.7 (3.1, 3.2, 3.6) Lesson 5.3: Analyzing Chemical Systems ● Standard 3.2, 3.7, 3.8, 4.3
Lesson 2.2 Investigating patterns in Periodic Table
● Standard 1.5 (2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 4.3)
Lesson 2.3: Analyzing Nuclear Reaction ● Standard 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 (3.5, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5) Lesson 2.3: Analyzing Nuclear Reaction ● Standard 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 (3.5, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5) Unit 3: The Structure and Properties of Molecules Lesson 3.1: Investigating Chemical Compounds ● Standard 2.1 (1.5, 2.2)
Lesson 3.2: Analyzing the Properties of Compounds and Solutions ● Standard 2.2, 2.3 (3.1) Lesson 3.3: Engineering Materials ● Standard 2.4 (2.2, 2.3)
DWSBA & Testing Window
Accessing the District-Wide Standards-Based Assessment (DWSBA)
*”Parts” correspond to 1 Trimester
Intro to Chemistry and Engineering
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 1
Total Days: six 70-80 mins class periods
Unit 1: Introduction to Chemistry and Engineering ● Anchoring Phenomena/Unit Project: Optimizing Toothpaste ● Lesson 1: Exploring Matter ● Lesson 2: Chemistry and the Engineering Design Process
● Lesson 1: 2 day ● Lesson 2: 3 day ● Testing: 1 day
● I am exploring matter. ● I am learning the properties ofmatter. ● I am learning how to classify matter. ● I am learning about the study of chemistry. ● I am learning to separate a mixture ● I am learning about the engineering design process. ● I am learning about systems andmodels ● I am learning about the engineering design process through a case study of Biosphere 2
CHEM2.2 - Plan and carry out an investigation to compare the properties of substances at the bulk scale and relate them to molecular structures. Emphasize using models to explain or describe the strength of electrical forces between particles. Examples of models could include Lewis dot structures or ball and stick models. Examples of particles could include ions, atoms, molecules, or networked materials (such as graphite). Examples of properties could include melting point and boiling point, vapor pressure, solubility, or surface tension. (PS1.A) CHEM.2.4 - Evaluate design solutions where synthetic chemistry was used to solve a problem (cause and effect). Defne the problem, identify criteria and constraints, analyze available data on proposed solutions, and determine an optimal solution. Emphasize the design of materials to control their properties through chemistry. Examples could include pharmaceuticals that target active sites, tefon to reduce friction on surfaces, or nanoparticles of zinc oxide to create transparent sunscreen. (PS1.A, ETS1.A, ETS1.B, ETS1.C)
SKILLS (Verbs)
● Properties of substances ● Molecular structures ● Matter changes ● Matter classifcation ● Experimental design (engineering design practices) ● Modeling
● Plan and Carry Out Investigation ● Evaluate Design Solutions ● Making models
● Physical property;
● Chemical property
● Chemical change
Intro to Chemistry and Engineering
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 1
● Physical change; ● Matter ● Process ● Tradeoff
● Extensive property ● Mixtures
● Intensive property ● Pure substances ● Engineering design ● Constraint ● Energy
● Model ● Criteria ● System
Standard 2.2 Standard 2.4 Standard 3.7 Standard 4.3
Standard 2.2 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Identifying the phenomenon under investigation Students describe the phenomenon under investigation, which includes the following idea: ● The relationship between the measurable properties (e.g., melting point, boiling point, vapor pressure, surface tension) of a substance and the strength of the electrical forces between the particles of the substance. Identifying the evidence to answer this question Students develop an investigation plan and describe the data that will be collected and the evidence to be derived from the data that would allow inferences to be made about the strength of electrical forces between particles, including: ● bulk properties of a substance (e.g., melting point and boiling point, volatility, surface tension) Students describe why the data about bulk properties would provide information about strength of the electrical forces between the particles of the chosen substances, including the following descriptions: ● The spacing of the particles of the chosen substances can change as a result of the experimental procedure even if the identity of the particles does not change (e.g., when water is boiled the molecules are still present but further apart). ● Thermal (kinetic) energy has an effect on the ability of the electrical attraction between particles to keep the particles close together. Thus, as more energy is added to the system, the forces of attraction between the particles can no longer keep the particles close together. ● The patterns of interactions between particles at the molecular scale are refected in the patterns of behavior at the macroscopic scale. ● Together, patterns observed at multiple scales can provide evidence of the causal relationships between the strength of the electrical forces between particles and the structure of substances at the bulk scale. Planning for this investigation In the investigation plan, students include:
Intro to Chemistry and Engineering
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 1
● A rationale for the choice of substances to compare and a description of the composition of those substances at the atomic molecular scale. ● A description of how the data will be collected, the number of trials, and the experimental set up and equipment required. Collecting the data Students collect and record: ● Students collect and record data — quantitative and/or qualitative — on the bulk properties of substances. Refning the design Students evaluate their assessment including: ● Assessing the accuracy and precision of the data collected, as well as the limitations of the investigation ● The ability of the data to provide the evidence required. Standard 2.4 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Using Scientifc Knowledge to Generate Solutions Students design a solution that involves: ● Students identify and communicating the evidence for why molecular level structure is important in the functioning of designed materials, including: ○ How the structure and properties of matter and the types of interactions of matter at the atomic scale determine the function of the chosen designed material(s); and ○ How the material’s properties make it suitable for use in its designed function. ● Students explicitly identify the molecular structure of the chosen designed material(s) (using a representation appropriate to the specifc type of communication — e.g., geometric shapes for drugs and receptors, ball and stick models for long-chained molecules). ● Students describe the intended function of the chosen designed material(s). ● Students describe the relationship between the material’s function and its macroscopic properties (e.g., material strength, conductivity, reactivity, state of matter, durability) and each of the following: ○ Molecular level structure of the material; ○ Intermolecular forces and polarity of molecules; and ○ The ability of electrons to move relatively freely in metals. ○ Students describe* the effects that attractive and repulsive electrical forces between molecules have on the arrangement (structure) of the chosen designed material(s) of molecules (e.g., solids, liquids, gases, network solid, polymers). ● Students describe that, for all materials, electrostatic forces on the atomic and molecular scale results in contact forces (e.g., friction, normal forces, stickiness) on the macroscopic scale. If necessary, students refne the investigational plan to ● Produce data to draw more effective conclusions
Intro to Chemistry and Engineering
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 1
Evaluating potential solutions In their evaluation of a complex real-world problem, students:
● Generate a list of three or more realistic criteria and two or more constraints, including such relevant factors as cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics that specifes an acceptable solution to a complex real-world problem; ● Assign priorities for each criterion and constraint that allows for a logical and systematic evaluation of alternative solution proposals; ● Analyze (quantitatively where appropriate) and describe* the strengths and weaknesses of the solution with respect to each criterion and constraint, as well as social and cultural acceptability and environmental impacts; ● Describe* possible barriers to implementing each solution, such as cultural, economic, or other sources of resistance to potential solutions; and ● Provide an evidence-based decision of which solution is optimum, based on prioritized criteria, analysis of the strengths and weaknesses (costs and benefts) of each solution, and barriers to be overcome. Refning and/or optimizing the design solution In their evaluation, students describe* which parts of the complex real-world problem may remain even if the proposed solution is implemented. *When “describe” is referenced, any of the following descriptions could be used: written, oral, pictorial, and kinesthetic. Students identify and describe* potential changes in a component of the given chemical reaction system that will increase the amounts of particular species at equilibrium. Students use evidence to describe* the relative quantities of a product before and after changes to a given chemical reaction system (e.g., concentration increases, decreases, or stays the same), and will explicitly use Le Chatelier’s principle, including: ● At the molecular level, a stress involving a change to one component of an equilibrium system affects other components ● Changing the concentration of one of the components of the equilibrium system will change the rate of the reaction (forward or backward), until the forward and backward rates are again equal ● A description* of a system at equilibrium that includes the idea that both the forward and backward reactions are occurring at the same rate, resulting in a system that appears stable at the macroscopic level Describing Criteria and Constraints Students describe* the prioritized criteria and constraints, and quantify each when appropriate. Examples of constraints to be considered are cost, energy required to produce a product, hazardous Standard 3.7 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Using Scientifc Knowledge to Generate Solutions
Intro to Chemistry and Engineering
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 1
nature and chemical properties of reactants and products, and availability of resources. Evaluating Potential Solutions Students systematically evaluate the proposed refnements to the design of the given chemical system. The potential refnements are evaluated by comparing the redesign to the list of criteria (i.e., increased product) and constraints (e.g., energy required, availability of resources). Refning and/or Optimizing the Design Solution Students refne the given designed system by making tradeoffs that would optimize the designed system to increase the amount of product, and describe* the reasoning behind design decisions. *When “describe” is referenced, any of the following descriptions could be used: written, oral, pictorial, and kinesthetic. Standard 4.3 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Using Scientifc Knowledge to Generate Solutions Students design a device that converts one form of energy into another form of energy. Students develop a plan for the device in which they: ● Identify what scientifc principles provide the basis for the energy conversion design; ● Identify the forms of energy that will be converted from one form to another in the designed system; ● Identify losses of energy by the design system to the surrounding environment; ● Describe the scientifc rationale for choices of materials and structure of the device, including how student-generated evidence infuenced the design; and ● Describe that this device is an example of how the application of scientifc knowledge and engineering design can increase benefts for modern civilization while decreasing costs and risk. Describing Criteria and Constraints Students describe and quantify (when appropriate) prioritized criteria and constraints for the design of the device, along with the tradeoffs implicit in these design solutions. Examples of constraints to be considered are cost and effciency of energy conversion. Evaluating Potential Solutions Students build and test the device according to the plan. Students systematically and quantitatively evaluate the performance of the device against the criteria and constraints. Refning and/or Optimizing the Design Solution Students use the results of the tests to improve the device performance by increasing the effciency of energy conversion, keeping in mind the criteria and constraints, and noting any modifcations in tradeoffs.
Skill Building
Unit Project: Optimizing Toothpaste (p. 1H)
Intro to Chemistry and Engineering
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 1
Take it Further: Careers in Science (p. 19) Take it Further: Multiscale Modeling (p. 40)
Standard 2.2 Standard 2.4 Standard 3.7 Standard 4.3
ELA CONNECTIONS ● Cite specifc textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account. ● Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. ● Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the specifc task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the fow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation. ● Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, refection, and research. ● Assess the extent to which the reasoning and evidence in a text support the author’s claim or a recommendation for solving a scientifc or technical problem. ● Cite specifc textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account. ● I ntegrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem. ● Evaluate the hypotheses, data, analysis, and conclusions in a science or technical text, verifying the data when possible and corroborating or challenging conclusions with other sources of information. ● Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
● Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays.
Intro to Chemistry and Engineering
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 1
● Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting quantities. ● Reason abstractly and quantitatively. ● Represent data with plots on the real number line. ● Understand statistics as a process for making inferences about population parameters based on a random sample from that population. ● Evaluate reports based on data. ● Defne appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. ● Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting quantities.
● See
Anchoring Phenomena/ Unit Project
Unit Project: Optimizing Toothpaste Design and produce a homemade toothpaste.
procedure list
Engage :
● Evidence Notebook
Exploring Matter
Investigative Phenomena: Plastic Pipes vs. Metal Pipes
Q: How could you improve an item that you use regularly?
Explore/Explain :
● E1: 6 ● Evidence Notebook
Exploration #1: Exploring Physical/Chemical Changes Hands-On Lab (6-8) Exploration #2: Properties of Matter (9-13) Exploration #3: Classifying Matter (14-16) Exploration #4: The Study of Chemistry (17-18)
● Careers in Science
Take it Further: Careers in Science Crystallographer Article
Article in Textbook
Intro to Chemistry and Engineering
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 1
● Estimating Data Handout ● Evidence Notebook
Online Alternatives: Salting Out, Estimating Data Accurately, Communicating the Sizes of Objects
Evaluate :
● Lesson Self-Check (20) ● CER (20) ● Checkpoints Assessment (21)
Engage :
● Evidence Notebook
Chemistry and the Engineering Design Process
Investigative Phenomena - Edible Spoon
Q: What properties should the substances have so the spoon can be used to stir or consume liquids?
● E1: 202 ● Evidence Notebook
Explore/Explain :
Exploration 1: Separating a Mixture Lab (24-27) Exploration 2: The Engineering Design Process (28-33) Exploration 3: Systems and Models (34-36) Exploration 4: Case Study - Biosphere 2 (37-39)
● Multiscale Modeling Handout ● Evidence Notebook
Take it Further: Engineering (Multiscale Modeling) Online Alternatives: Correlation vs. Causation, Food Technologist, Modeling a System
● Evidence Notebook
Evaluate :
● Lesson Self-Check ● CER
Intro to Chemistry and Engineering
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 1
Atoms and Elements
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 2
Total Days: eighteen 70-80 mins class periods ● Lesson1: 5 day ● Lesson2: 5 day ● Lesson3: 6 day ● Testing: 2 day
Unit 2: Atoms and Elements ● Anchoring Phenomena/Unit Project: Design an Atomic Model ● Lesson 1: Modeling Atomic Structure ● Lesson 2: Investigating Patterns in the Periodic Table ● Lesson 3: Analyzing Nuclear Reactions
● I am learning to compare elements based on their properties. ● I am learning to investigate atomic structure. ● I am learning about using numbers to describe atoms ● I am learning about identifying elements using a fame test. ● I am learning about how to model electron confgurations. ● I am learning about how to model periodic trends. ● I am learning about predicting the properties of elements. ● I am learning about patterns in atomic size. ● I am learning about patterns in ionization energy. ● I am learning about patterns in
CHEM.1.1 - Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information regarding the structure of the atom on the basis of experimental evidence. Emphasize the relationship between proton number and element identity, isotopes, and electrons in atoms. Examples of experimental evidence could include the gold foil experiment, cathode ray tube, or atomic spectrum data. (PS1.A) CHEM.1.2 - Analyze and interpret data to identify patterns in the stability of isotopes and predict likely modes of radioactive decay. Emphasize that different isotopes of the same element decay by different modes and at different rates depending on their nuclear stability. Examples of data could include band of stability charts, mass or nuclear binding energy per nucleon, or the inverse relationship between half-life and nuclear stability. (PS1.C) CHEM.1.3 - Use mathematics and computational thinking to relate the rates of change in quantities of radioactive isotopes through radioactive decay (alpha, beta, and positron) to ages of materials or persistence in the environment. Emphasize a conceptual understanding of half-life. Examples could include radiocarbon dating, nuclear waste management, or nuclear medicine. (PS1.C) CHEM.1.4 - Construct an explanation about how fusion can form new elements with greater or lesser nuclear stability. Emphasize the nuclear binding energy, with the conceptual understanding
Atoms and Elements
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 2
electronegativity. ● I am learning about explaining nuclear stability. ● I am learning about
that when fusion of elements results in a more stable nucleus, large quantities of energy are released, and when fusion results in a less stable nucleus, large quantities of energy are required. Examples could include the building up of elements in the universe starting with hydrogen to form heavier elements, the composition of stars, or supernovae producing heavy elements. (PS1.C, ESS1.A) CHEM.1.5 - Use the periodic table as amodel to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms. Emphasize conceptual understanding of trends and patterns. Examples could include trends in ionization energy, atomic radius, or electronegativity. Examples of properties for main group elements could include general reactivity, bonding type, or ion formation. (PS1.A)
investigating radioactive decay.
● I am learning about
analyzing nuclear fssion and fusion.
● I am learning about
exploring nuclear energy.
SKILLS (Verbs)
● Atomic structure ● Isotopic and nuclear stability ● Nuclear Half-life ● Patterns of the Periodic Table
● Carry Out an Investigation ● Construct explanations ● Predict properties ● Making models
VOCABULARY ● Element ● Atoms
● Atomic radius ● Ionization energy ● Electronegativity
● Nucleon ● Nuclide
● Electron ● Nucleus ● Proton ● Neutron ● Atomic number ● Isotope
● Nuclear radiation ● Radioactive decay ● Alpha decay ● Betadecay ● Gamma decay ● Half-life ● Nuclear fssion ● Nuclear fusion
● Atomic mass ● Mass number ● Valence electron
Standard 1.1
Atoms and Elements
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 2
Standard 1.2 Standard 1.3 Standard 1.4 Standard 1.5
Standard 1.1 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Obtaining information Students obtain information from published, grade-level appropriate material from at least two sources (literature, media, visual displays, data) about: ● The experimental design and resulting data of various experiments regarding the structure of the atom ● Conclusions drawn regarding the subatomic structure of the atom Evaluating information Students synthesize information that is presented in various modes (graphs, diagrams, photographs, text, mathematical, verbal) to describe: ● The development of various atomic models based on experimental evidence ● The strengths and limitations of the selection of a model used to describe a system at the atomic level Communication style and format Students use at least two different formats (oral, graphical, textual and mathematical) to communicate information based on experimental evidence regarding the structure of the atom including: ● The relative size and mass of the nucleus of an atom compared to the atom as a whole ● The relative size, mass, and charges of subatomic particles including protons, neutrons, and electrons ● Strengths and limitations of various models of the atom Connecting the DCIs and the CCCs Students identify and communicate evidence for the structure of the atom including: ● Each element has a unique atomic number (number of protons) in its nucleus ● Atoms of the same element may have different masses depending on the number of neutrons in the nucleus
Standard 1.2 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Organizing Data Students organize data that represents: ● The composition of nuclei before and after a nuclear process ● The properties and composition of the radiation released in a nuclear process Identifying Relationships Students analyze data to identify patterns including:
Atoms and Elements
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 2
● Identifcation of an element by the number of protons ● The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus before and after radioactive decay ● The identity of the emitted particles (i.e., alpha, beta - both electrons and positrons, and gamma) Interpreting Data Students use the analyzed data to make a claim that: ● The total number of neutrons plus protons is the same both before and after the nuclear processes ● The mode of decay (alpha, beta, or positron) can be predicted based on patterns in the overall size of the nucleus and the ratio of protons to neutrons Standard 1.3 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Representation Students clearly defne the system, including: ● Describing the radioactive isotopes and product isotopes ● Identifying the radiation (high energy particles) released and how they are measured Students identify and describe the rate of radioactive decay using mathematical representations of: ● The measurement of the ratio of radioactive isotopes to isotopes produced during radioactive decay at a given time Students support the claim that : ● The half-life of a radioactive isotope is independent of the amount or concentration of the unstable nucleus Mathematical modeling Students use mathematical relationships to: ● Create graphical or computational (such as a data table) representations ● Predict the amount of an unstable isotope at a given time Analysis Students use mathematical relationships to: ● Evaluate the limitations of dating of a material using radioactive isotopes ● Evaluate claims regarding the age of an object based on an isotopes rate of radioactive decay Standard 1.4 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Articulating the explanation of phenomena Students construct an explanation that includes: ● Identifcation of an element by the number of protons ● The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus before and after the decay ● The scale of energy changes associated with nuclear processes, relative to the scale of energy changes associated with chemical processes Evidence Students identify and describe the evidence to construct the explanation, including: ● Heavy elements are formed in supernova; lighter elements are formed in stars
Atoms and Elements
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 2
● Electromagnetic emission and absorption are used to determine the composition of stellar objects ● Iron has the greatest nuclear binding energy Reasoning Students apply scientifc principles, along with the assumption that theories and laws that describe the natural world operate today as they did in the past and will continue to do so in the future, to construct their explanation. Students describe the following chain of reasoning used to construct their explanation: ● Fusion is a process in which two nuclei merge to form a single, larger nuclei with a larger number of protons than were in either of the two original nuclei ● Fission is a process in which a nucleus splits into two or more fragments that each have a smaller number of protons than were in the original nucleus ● Hydrogen fuses to form helium, heavier elements are formed through fusion of these elements ● Nuclear stability increases as elements are fused up through iron but decreases for elements heavier than iron ● If resulting nuclei are more stable, a large amount of energy is emitted. If resulting nuclei are less stable, a large amount of energy is needed Standard 1.5 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Components of the model From the given model, students identify and describe the components of the model relevant for predictions, including: ● Elements and their arrangement in the periodic table ● A positively-charged nucleus composed of both protons and neutrons, surrounded by negatively-charged electrons ● Electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms (i.e., valence electrons) ● The number of protons in each element Relationships Students identify the following relationships between components of the given model, including: ● The arrangement of the main groups of the periodic table refects the patterns of outermost electrons ● Elements in the periodic table are arranged by the numbers of protons in atoms. Connections Students relate the patterns of behavior of elements to appropriate components of atomic structure, including:
● The attraction and repulsion between electrically charged particles Students use the model to predict the following patterns of properties:
● The charges of stable ions formed from atoms in main groups of the periodic table ● The trend in reactivity and electronegativity of atoms down a group and across a row in the periodic table, based on attractions of outermost (valence) electrons to the nucleus ● The relative sizes of atoms both across a row and down a group in the periodic table
Atoms and Elements
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 2
Skill Building
Unit Project: Designing an Atomic Model (p. 53)
Take it Further: Mass Spectronomy (p. 78) Take it Further: Analytical Chemist (p. 99) Take it Further: Environmental Engineer (p. 125)
Standard 1.1 Standard 1.2 Standard 1.3 Standard 1.4 Standard 1.5
ELA CONNECTIONS ● Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and translate information expressed visually or mathematically (e.g., in an equation) into words. ● Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientifc procedures/ experiments, or technical processes. ● Present claims and fndings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. ● Model with mathematics. ● Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays. ● Defne appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. ● Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting quantities. ● Reason abstractly and quantitatively. MATH CONNECTIONS
● See
Unit Project: Design an Atomic Model
Atoms and Elements
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 2
Phenomena/ Unit Project
procedure list
● Evidence Notebook ● Photoof
Engage: Modeling Atomic Structure
60 mins
Modeling Atomic Structure
Investigative Phenomena: Aurora Polaris
aurora polaris
Q: How do you think matter in the atmosphere can cause a phenomenon such as the northern lights?
● Evidence Notebook
120 mins
● E1:59 ● E4:69
Exploration #1: Comparing Elements Based on Their Properties (58-61) Exploration #2: Investigating Atomic Structure (62-65) Exploration #3: Using Numbers to Describe Atoms (66-68) Exploration #4: Identifying Using a Flame Test (69-72) Exploration #5: Modeling Electron Confgurations (73-77)
● Evidence Notebook
60 mins
Take It Further: Mass Spectrometry (78) Online Alternatives: Practice with Electron Confgurations, Evidence for the Atomic Model, Cryo-Electron Microscopy
● Evidence Notebook
Evaluate :
45 mins
● Lesson Self-Check (80) ● CER (80) ● Checkpoints Assessment (81)
● Evidence Notebook
Engage: Investigating patterns in the periodic table.
60 mins
Atoms and Elements
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 2
Investigating Patterns in the Periodic Table
Investigative Phenomenon: Properties of metals.
Q: How do you think scientists can use properties of existing elements to predict the existence of synthetic elements?
● Evidence Notebook ● E1:84
120 mins
Exploration #1: Modeling Periodic Trends (84-85) Additional Hands-On Lab: The Mendeleev Labof 1869 Exploration #2: Predicting the Properties of Elements (86-89) Exploration #3: Patterns in Atomic Size (90-91) Exploration #4: Patterns in Ionization Energy (92-94) Exploration #5: Patterns in Electronegativity (95-97)
● Evidence Notebook
60 mins
Take it Further: Careers in Science (Analytical Chemist) (p99) Explore Online: Periodic Trends in History, The Mendeleev Lab of 1869, Discovering New Elements
● Evidence Notebook
● Lesson Self-Check (100) ● CER (100) ● Checkpoints Assessment (101-102)
● Evidence Notebook
Engage: Analyzing nuclear reactions
60 mins
Atoms and Elements
Quarter 1
HMHUnit 2
● PETbrain scan
Analyzing Nuclear Reactions
Investigative Phenomena: Medical imaging
Q: Why do you think atoms in the body usually do not emit radiation?
● Evidence Notebook ● E2:112
120 mins
Exploration #1: Explain Nuclear Stability (104-107) Exploration #2: Investigating Radioactive Decay (108-111) Hands-On Lab: Modeling Radioactive Half Lives (112-115) Additional Hands-On Lab: Modeling Fusion Exploration #3: Analyzing Nuclear Fission and Fusion (116-118) Exploration #4: Case Study: Exploring Nuclear Energy (119-124)
● Evidence Notebook
90 mins
Take It Further: Careers in Engineering (Environmental Engineer) Online Alternatives: Nuclear Disasters, Half-Life Radiometric Dating, Nuclear Medicine
● Evidence Notebook
45 mins
● Lesson Self-Check (126) ● CER (126) ● Checkpoints Assessment (127-128)
Compounds and Mixtures
Quarter 2
HMHUnit 3
Total Days: twenty-three 70-80 minute days ● Lesson1: 8 days ● Lesson 2: 10 days ● Lesson3: 2 days
Unit 3: Compounds and Mixtures ● Anchoring Phenomenon/Unit Project: Designing Detergents ● Lesson 1: Investigating Chemical Compounds ● Lesson 2: Analyzing the Properties of Compounds and Solutions ● Lesson 3: Engineering Materials
● Testing: 3 days
● I am learning how to analyze the properties of compounds. ● I am learning to describe chemical bonds. ● I am learning how to predict the structure of compounds. ● I am learning how to model the shapes of molecules. ● I am learning about exploring intermolecular forces in liquids. ● I am learning how to explain intermolecular forces. ● I am learning to describe solutions. ● I am learning how to measure the electrical conductivity of solutions. ● I am learning how to analyze the behavior of solutions. ● I am learning how to explore materials science and design. ● I am learning how to experiment with polymers ● I am learning how to analyze types of materials.
Standard CHEM.2.1 Analyze data to predict the type of bonding most likely to occur between two elements using the patterns of reactivity on the periodic table. Emphasize the types and strengths of attractions between charged particles in ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds. Examples could include the attraction between electrons on one atom and the nucleus of another atom in a covalent bond or between ions in an ionic compound. (PS1.A, PS2.B) Standard CHEM.2.2 Plan and carry out an investigation to compare the properties of substances at the bulk scale and relate them to molecular structures. Emphasize using models to explain or describe the strength of electrical forces between particles. Examples of models could include Lewis dot structures or ball and stick models. Examples of particles could include ions, atoms, molecules, or
Compounds and Mixtures
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networked materials (such as graphite). Examples of properties could include melting point and boiling point, vapor pressure, solubility, or surface tension. (PS1.A) Standard CHEM.2.3 Engage in argument supported by evidence that the functions of natural and designed macromolecules are related to their chemical structures. Emphasize the roles of attractive forces between and within molecules. Examples could include non-covalent interactions between base pairs in DNA allowing it to be unzipped for replication, the network of atoms in a diamond conferring hardness, or the nonpolar nature of polyester (PET) making it quick-drying. (PS1.A) Standard CHEM.2.4 Evaluate design solutions where synthetic chemistry was used to solve a problem (cause and effect). Defne the problem, identify criteria and constraints, analyze available data on proposed solutions, and determine an optimal solution. Emphasize the design of materials to control their properties through chemistry. Examples could include pharmaceuticals that target active sites, tefon to reduce friction on surfaces, or nanoparticles of zinc oxide to create transparent sunscreen. (PS1.A, ETS1.A, ETS1.B, ETS1.C) Standard CHEM.3.1 Use mathematics and computational thinking to analyze the distribution and proportion of particles in solution. Emphasize proportional reasoning and the impact of concentration on solution properties, rather than algorithmic
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calculations. Examples of concentrations affecting solutions could include the Beer-Lambert Law, colligative properties, or pH. (PS1.A)
SKILLS (Verbs)
● Chemical Bonding ● Polarity ● Molecular Geometry ● Intermolecular Forces ● Colligative Properties ● Material Sciences
● Analyze data ● Plan and carry out an investigation ● Engage in argument supported by evidence ● Design solutions
● Ionic bond;
● Intermolecula r forces; polarity; hydrogen bond; dipole-dipole force; dispersion forces; solution; solute; solvent; solubility; concentration ; electrolyte; colligative property
● Materials science; polymers; hydrocarbons; composite
covalent bond; molecule; metallic bond; polyatomic ion
Standard 2.1 Standard 2.2 Standard 2.3 Standard 2.4 Standard 3.1
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Standard 2.1 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Organizing Data Students organize data that represents: ● Models properties of various compounds. Models may include: ○ Chemical formulas ○ Pictorial models Identifying Relationships Students analyze the data and identify and describe relationships in the datasets, including: ● Identifying patterns similarities and differences within the electrons, nuclei, and ions of models and elemental composition Interpreting Data Students use the analyzed data to support the claim that: ● Ionic, covalent, and metallic compounds differ the strength and types of attractions between charged particles (such as between ions or electrons and nuclei in atoms) Students include a statement regarding how variation or uncertainty in the data may affect the interpretation of the data, including: ● Limitations of the model of ionic, covalent, and metallic bonding in that compounds may be not clearly ionic or covalent, but more ionic-like or covalent-like. Standard 2.2 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Identifying the phenomenon under investigation Students describe the phenomenon under investigation, which includes the following idea: ● The relationship between the measurable properties (e.g., melting point, boiling point, vapor pressure, surface tension) of a substance and the strength of the electrical forces between the particles of the substance. Identifying the evidence to answer this question Students develop an investigation plan and describe the data that will be collected and the evidence to be derived from the data that would allow inferences to be made about the strength of electrical forces between particles, including: ● bulk properties of a substance (e.g., melting point and boiling point, volatility, surface tension) Students describe why the data about bulk properties would provide information about strength of the electrical forces between the particles of the chosen substances, including the following descriptions: ● The spacing of the particles of the chosen substances can change as a result of the experimental procedure even if the identity of the particles does not change (e.g., when water is boiled the molecules are still present but further apart). ● Thermal (kinetic) energy has an effect on the ability of the electrical attraction between particles to keep the particles close together. Thus, as more energy is added to the system, the forces of attraction between the particles can no longer keep the particles close together.
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● The patterns of interactions between particles at the molecular scale are refected in the patterns of behavior at the macroscopic scale. ● Together, patterns observed at multiple scales can provide evidence of the causal relationships between the strength of the electrical forces between particles and the structure of substances at the bulk scale. Planning for this investigation In the investigation plan, students include: ● A rationale for the choice of substances to compare and a description of the composition of those substances at the atomic molecular scale. ● A description of how the data will be collected, the number of trials, and the experimental set up and equipment required. Collecting the data Students collect and record: ● Students collect and record data — quantitative and/or qualitative — on the bulk properties of substances. Refning the design Students evaluate their assessment including: ● Assessing the accuracy and precision of the data collected, as well as the limitations of the investigation ● The ability of the data to provide the evidence required. Standard 2.3 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Developing the claim Students (develop a claim, construct an argument) that is supported by generalizing from multiple sources of evidence, which includes the following idea: ● The structure and function of a macromolecule is a result of the interactions between and within the molecules Identifying scientifc evidence Students identify and describe evidence supporting the claim, including: ● The function (or properties) of the molecule ● A model (pictorial, physical, or computer generated) of the 3d structure of the molecule Evaluating and critiquing the evidence Students evaluate the evidence and include the following in their evaluation: ● The bonding occurring within the molecule ● The interactions attractions between two molecules or between two sections of the same molecule Reasoning and synthesis If necessary, students refne the investigational plan to ● Produce data to draw more effective conclusions
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Students construct an oral and/or written logical arguments about the relationship between the structure of a molecule and its function (properties). Standard 2.4 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Using Scientifc Knowledge to Generate Solutions Students design a solution that involves: ● Students identify and communicating the evidence for why molecular level structure is important in the functioning of designed materials, including: ○ How the structure and properties of matter and the types of interactions of matter at the atomic scale determine the function of the chosen designed material(s); and ○ How the material’s properties make it suitable for use in its designed function. ● Students explicitly identify the molecular structure of the chosen designed material(s) (using a representation appropriate to the specifc type of communication — e.g., geometric shapes for drugs and receptors, ball and stick models for long-chained molecules). ● Students describe the intended function of the chosen designed material(s). ● Students describe the relationship between the material’s function and its macroscopic properties (e.g., material strength, conductivity, reactivity, state of matter, durability) and each of the following: ○ Molecular level structure of the material; ○ Intermolecular forces and polarity of molecules; and ○ The ability of electrons to move relatively freely in metals. ○ Students describe* the effects that attractive and repulsive electrical forces between molecules have on the arrangement (structure) of the chosen designed material(s) of molecules (e.g., solids, liquids, gases, network solid, polymers). ● Students describe that, for all materials, electrostatic forces on the atomic and molecular scale results in contact forces (e.g., friction, normal forces, stickiness) on the macroscopic scale. Evaluating potential solutions In their evaluation of a complex real-world problem, students: ● Generate a list of three or more realistic criteria and two or more constraints, including such relevant factors as cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics that specifes an acceptable solution to a complex real-world problem; ● Assign priorities for each criterion and constraint that allows for a logical and systematic evaluation of alternative solution proposals; ● Analyze (quantitatively where appropriate) and describe* the strengths and weaknesses of the solution with respect to each criterion and constraint, as well as social and cultural acceptability and environmental impacts; ● Describe* possible barriers to implementing each solution, such as cultural, economic, or other sources of resistance to potential solutions; and
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● Provide an evidence-based decision of which solution is optimum, based on prioritized criteria, analysis of the strengths and weaknesses (costs and benefts) of each solution, and barriers to be overcome. Refning and/or optimizing the design solution In their evaluation, students describe* which parts of the complex real-world problem may remain even if the proposed solution is implemented. *When “describe” is referenced, any of the following descriptions could be used: written, oral, pictorial, and kinesthetic.
Standard 3.1 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Representation Students clearly defne the system, including:
● The solute(s) ● The solvent ● The solution Mathematical modeling Students describe the mathematical representations to (model, describe, explain, illustrate, and predict): ● Model a solution at a particulate scale, showing appropriate ratios of solute for solutions of various concentrations and volumes ● Compare the composition of multiple samples of the same solution ● Describe the relationship (ratio) comparing the amount (number, mass, or volume) of solute to the solvent or solution Analysis Students describe the composition of a solution including: ● Using proportional reasoning to calculate the amount of solute necessary to make a solution of a desired concentration and volume ● Use proportional reasoning to calculate the volume of stock (concentrated) solution needed to make a more dilute concentration of a desired concentration and volume.
Skill Building
Unit Project: Designing Detergents (p. 141J)
Take it Further: Asking Questions about Minerals (p. 165) Take it Further: Water Supply Engineer (p. 191) Take it Further: Organic Chemist (p. 215)
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