LEARNING PROGRESSIONS FOR PROFICIENCY READING When students exhibit Novice Mid reading ability in partner language, here are some examples of the kinds of things they can read: 1. words on a list from very familiar topics 2. very simple information on familiar topics 3. short, simple descriptions, especially if there are pictures or other supportive visuals
When students exhibit Novice Mid listening profciency in partner language, here are some examples of the kinds of things they are able to understand: 1. simple words and phrases about daily activities 2. simple questions on familiar topics 3. some multi-step directions or instructions, especially when accompanied by gestures and repetition 4. some of what people say in a short conversation on familiar topics. When students exhibit Novice Mid writing ability in partner language, here are some examples of the kinds of things they canwrite: 1. basic personal information (name, address, phone number, birth date) 2. brief descriptions of people or places mostly in list form 3. responses to simple questions 4. simple information related to subject matter content WRITING
When students exhibit Novice Mid speaking ability in partner language, here are examples of the kinds of things they can do: 1. greet someone in a culturally appropriate manner 2. introduce self 3. ask “how are you?” 4. respond appropriately to the question “how are you?” 5. answer simple questions to provide basic information 6. ask simple, formulaic questions 7. provide simple information on subject matter content
● Tell what foods are traditional at the Chinese New Year ● Ask and answer simple questions what you like to eat ● Ask and answer simple questions to obtain/share food ● Ask/answer simple questions about food preferences including naming favorite foods ● Name of two or three favorite Chinese dishes ● Understand and interpret messages and announcements about food ( a list of available foods, read labels on the food pyramid, identify basic food groups from items on a Chinese menu, interpret information in a television ad for restaurant or food product) ● Choose foods from among alternatives (eg. order from a menu, make a grocery list from a newspaper ad)
Skill Building
● Read short grocery list with visual support ● Give/take food order in a Chinese restaurant
● Write short grocery list ● Describe similarities/differences between what people eat (eg. make an advertisement for a restaurant, grocery store or food product, report on similarities and difference in diets of people in different locations, countries or parts of China)
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