BHS Biology Guide

Cellular Reproduction & Sexual Reproduction


Quarter 2

McGraw Hill Module 9

same thing?

Video of Protein Synthesis through DMD Explain how protein synthesis works.

Follow up with what happened with the DNA to cause DMD.

Have them draw an analogy of how protein synthesis works and how changes in the DNA can change the shape of the protein.


Next have students look at Figure 4 (pg 222)

Break students into 4 groups to research the stages of the cell cycle. Have them draw and develop an analogy for their topic. Then have them present it to the class.

(Follow up with cell size and the cell cycle)

Demonstrate what each phase of the cell looks like to prepare them for the Mitotic Index Lab Elaborate → Have students determine what questions they have answered with the given discovered evidence. Have them revisit their CER Chart and provide the Evidence with the reasoning to develop their own model.

● CERChart

Revisit the focus question

Evaluate →

● Online book


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