BHS Biology Guide
Cellular Reproduction & Sexual Reproduction
Quarter 2
McGraw Hill Module 9
● Metaphase ● Anaphase ● Telophase ● Haploid ● Fertilization ● Diploid K-12 LEARNING PROGRESSIONS (via USBE Core Guides)
Standard 2.5 Standard 3.3
Standard 2.5 Constructing Explanations: Articulating the explanation of phenomena Students use evidence and reasoning to construct a scientifc explanation for the the role of mitosis and differentiation in producing and maintaining complex organisms, including: ● Genetic material containing two variants of each chromosome pair, one from each parent; ● Parent and daughter cells (i.e., inputs and outputs of mitosis); and ● A multicellular organism as a collection of differentiated cells. Evidence Students identify and describe evidence (from students’ own investigations, observations, reading material, archived data) necessary to constructing the explanation, including; ● Daughter cells receive identical genetic information from a parent cell or a fertilized egg. ● Mitotic cell division produces two genetically identical daughter cells from one parent cell. ● Differences between different cell types within a multicellular organism are due to gene expression — not different genetic material within that organism. Reasoning Students use reasoning, along with the assumption that theories and laws that describe the natural world operate today as they did in the past and will continue to do so in the future, to connect the evidence and support the explanation that mitotic cell division results in more cells that: ● Allow growth of the organism; ● Can then differentiate to create different cell types; and ● Can replace dead cells to maintain a complex organism. Revising the explanation Given new data or information, students revise their explanation and justify the revision. Standard 3.3 Engaging in Argument from Evidence: Developing the claim Students make a claim that includes the idea that inheritable genetic variations may result from:
● New genetic combinations through meiosis; ● Viable errors occurring during replication; ● Mutations caused by environmental factors; and
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