BHS Biology Guide
Biodiversity and Conservation
Quarter 4
McGraw Hill Module 5
Students organize data that represents: ● The population changes gathered from historical data or simulations of ecosystems at different scales and ● Data on numbers and types of organisms as well as boundaries, resources, and climate Identifying Relationships Students use tools, technologies, and/or models to analyze the data and identify and describe relationships in the datasets, including: ● Evidence to support the explanation and identify factors that have an effect on the carrying capacity of an ecosystem for a given population. Students analyze data to identify factors (including boundaries, resources, climate and competition) affect carrying capacity of an ecosystem and: ● Some factors have larger effects than do other factors ● That factors are interrelated ● The signifcance of a living or non living factor is dependent on the scale at which it occurs Interpreting Data Students use the analyzed data to: ● Identify the interdependence of factors (both living and nonliving) and resulting effect on carrying capacity and ● As evidence to support the explanation and identify the factors that have the largest effect on the carrying capacity of an ecosystem for a given population. Standard 1.4 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Engaging in Argument from Evidence: Developing the claim Students develop a claim that is supported by generalizing from multiple sources of evidence, which includes the following idea: ● The complex interactions in ecosystems maintain relatively consistent numbers and types of organisms in stable conditions, but changing conditions may result in a new ecosystem. Identifying scientifc evidence Students identify and describe* evidence supporting the claim, including: ● The factors that affect biodiversity ● The relationships between species and the physical environment in an ecosystem, and ● Changes in the numbers of species and organisms in an ecosystem that has been subject to a modest or extreme change in ecosystem conditions. Evaluating and critiquing the evidence Students evaluate the evidence and include the following in their evaluation: ● Assess the validity and reliability of the given evidence and its ability to support the argument that resiliency of an ecosystem is subject to the degree of change in the biological and physical environment of an ecosystem ● The ability of the data to be used to determine causal or correlational effects between a particular response of biodiversity to a changing condition, based on an understanding of the
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