BHS Biology Guide

Biodiversity and Conservation


Quarter 4

McGraw Hill Module 5

used to conserve and restore biodiversity.

● I can understand different

Bio 1.5 - Design a solution that reduces the impact caused by human activities on the environment and biodiversity. Defne the problem, identify criteria and constraints, develop possible solutions using models, analyze data to make improvements from iteratively testing solutions, and optimize a solution . Examples of human activities could include building dams, pollution, deforestation, or introduction of invasive species. (LS2.C, LS4.D, ETS1.A, ETS1.B, ETS1.C)

types of biodiversity and why it is important.

● I understand threats to

biodiversity and how a loss of a species can affect an entire ecosystem. ● I know what resources are renewable, non renewable and sustainable. ● I can understand why the current extinction rate is unsustainable. ● I understand the methods used to conserve and restore biodiversity.


SKILLS (Verbs)

● Different types and the importance of biodiversity and how extinction can affect biodiversity ● Factors that threaten biodiversity ● Human impact on climate change ● Restoration techniques needed as a result of negative human impact

● Plan an investigation ● Analyze and interpret data ● Develop an argument ● Design a solution


● Extinction ● Biodiversity

● Mass extinction ● Natural resource ● Overexploitation ● Habitat fragmentation ● Edge effect ● Bioremediation

● Biological magnifcation ● Eutrophication ● Invasive species ● Renewable resource ● Nonrenewable resource ● Sustainable use ● pH ● Indicator Species

● Genetic diversity ● Species diversity ● Ecosystem diversity ● Background extinction ● Endemic


Standard 1.1 Standard 1.4

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