BHS Biology Guide

Population Ecology


Quarter 4

McGraw Hill Module 4

● As evidence to support the explanation and identify the factors that have the largest effect on the carrying capacity of an ecosystem for a given population.

Standard 1.2 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Developing and Using Models: Components of the model

Develop a quantitative model based on evidence to illustrate the cycling of matter and energy fow among organisms in an ecosystem. Components could include relative quantities related to organisms, matter, energy, and the food web in an ecosystem. Relationships Students identify the following relationships between components of the given model: ● Describe* the transfer of matter (as atoms and molecules) and fow of energy upward between organisms and their environment; ● Identify the transfer of energy and matter between trophic levels; and ● Identify the relative proportion of organisms at each trophic level by correctly identifying producers as the lowest trophic level having the greatest biomass and energy and consumers decreasing in numbers at higher trophic levels. Connections Students use the model to support the claims that include the idea that: ● Matter fows between organisms and their environment, ● Energy fows from one trophic level to another as well as through the environment, and ● Energy not transferred to higher trophic levels is instead used for growth, maintenance, or repair, and/or transferred to the environment, and the ineffciencies in transfer of matter and energy. *When “describe” is referenced, any of the following descriptions could be used: written, oral, pictorial, and kinesthetic. ● The matter fows in cellular processes are the result of the rearrangement of primarily the atoms in sugar molecules because those are the molecules whose reactions release the energy needed for cell processes. Revising the explanation Given new evidence or context, students revise or expand their explanation about the relationships between atoms in sugar molecules and atoms in large carbon-based molecules, and justify their revision. *When “describe” is referenced, any of the following descriptions could be used: written, oral, pictorial, and kinesthetic.

Standard 1.4 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Engaging in Argument from Evidence: Developing the claim

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