BHS Biology Guide

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Instructional Guide 202 4 -202 5



Biology Year at a Glance- Brighton 2024-2025

Part 1

Part 2

Module 1: Study of Life ● Standard 1.5, 2.2

Module 8: Cellular Energy ● Standard 1.3, 2.1, 2.3

Module10: Introduction to Genetics and Patterns of Inheritance ● Standard 3.2, 3.3

Module 16: Organizing Life’s Diversity ● Standard 4.4, 4.5

McGraw Hill Modules& Standards

Module 6: Chemistry in Biology ● Standard 2.1

Module 9: Cellular Reproduction & Sexual Reproduction ● Standard 2.5, 3.3 Module 11: Molecular Genetics ● Standard 3.1, 3.3

Module12: Biotechnology

Module 2: Principles of Ecology ● Standard 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.3 Module 4: Population Ecology ● Standard 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5 Module 5: Biodiversity and Conservation ● Standard 1.1, 1.4, 1.5

● Standard 3.5

Module 7: Cellular Structure & Function ● Standard 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7

Module 13: The History of Life ● Standard 4.1

Module 14: Evolution ● Standard 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4


To Be Determined

To Be Determined

To Be Determined

To Be Determined

*”Parts” corresponds to 1 trimester

The Study of Life


Quarter 1

McGraw Hill Module 1



● Module Launch: 45 min ● Lesson 1: 55 min ● Lesson 2: 55 min ● Module Wrap-Up: 45 min

Module 1: The Study of Life ● Are sea spiders different than spiders in your backyard?

● Lesson 1: The Science of Life ● Lesson 2: The Nature of Science ● Module Wrap-Up



● I understand the steps and importance of the scientifc method. ● I understand the importance of science literacy.

Bio 1.5 - Design a solution that reduces the impact caused by human activities on the environment and biodiversity. Defne the problem, identify criteria and constraints, develop possible solutions using models, analyze data to make improvements from iteratively testing solutions, and optimize a solution . Examples of human activities could include building dams, pollution, deforestation, or introduction of invasive species. (LS2.C, LS4.D, ETS1.A, ETS1.B, ETS1.C) Bio2.2 - Ask questions to plan and carry out an investigation to determine how (a) the structure and function of cells, (b) the proportion and quantity of organelles, and (c) the shape of cells result in cells with specialized functions. Examples could include mitochondria in muscle and nerve cells, chloroplasts in leaf cells, ribosomes in pancreatic cells, or the shape of nerve cells and muscle cells. (LS1.A)

● I am exploring the characteristics of life. ● I understand whether something is living or nonliving.


SKILLS (Verbs)

● Scientifc Method ● Characteristics of Life

● Ask Questions ● Carry Out an Investigation ● Design a solution

○ Structure and Function of Cells


● Biology ● Organism ● Organization ● Stimuli ● Response ● Homeostasis

● Growth ● Development ● Reproduction

● Inference ● Peer Review ● Ethics ● Organism ● Growth ● Development

● Species ● Science ● Biology

The Study of Life


Quarter 1

McGraw Hill Module 1

● Adaptation K-12 LEARNING PROGRESSIONS (via USBE Core Guides)

Standard 1.5 Standard 2.2


Standard 1.5 Designing Solutions: Using Scientifc Knowledge to Generate Solutions

● Students design a solution that involves reducing the negative effects of human activities on the environment and biodiversity, and that relies on scientifc knowledge of the factors affecting changes and stability in biodiversity. ● Examples of factors include but are not limited to overpopulation, overexploitation, habitat destruction, pollution, introduction of invasive species, and changes in climate. ● Students describe* the ways the proposed solution decreases the negative effects of human activity on the environment and biodiversity. Describing Criteria and Constraints ● Students describe* and quantify (when appropriate) the criteria (amount of reduction of impacts and human activities to be mitigated) and constraints (for example, cost, human needs, and environmental impacts) for the solution to the problem, along with the tradeoffs in the solution . Evaluating Potential Solutions ● Students evaluate the proposed solution for its impact on overall environmental stability and changes. ● Students evaluate the cost, safety, and reliability, as well as social, cultural, and environmental impacts, of the proposed solution for a select human activity that is harmful to an ecosystem. Refning and/or Optimizing the Design Solution ● Students refne the proposed solution by prioritizing the criteria and making tradeoffs as necessary to further reduce environmental impact and loss of biodiversity while addressing human needs. *When “describe” is referenced, any of the following descriptions could be used: written, oral, pictorial, and kinesthetic. Standard 2.2 Asking Questions: Addressing phenomena of the natural world or scientifc theories Students evaluate the given questions in terms of whether or not answers to the questions would: ● Distinguish the structural differences between different specialized cell types. ● Lead to an investigation in which data could be gathered about the structure of specialized cells. Evaluating empirical testability Students evaluate the given questions in terms of whether or not answers to the questions would provide means to empirically determine ● How the structure and function of cells results in specialized functions.

The Study of Life


Quarter 1

McGraw Hill Module 1

● The proportion and quantity of organelles in cells with specialized functions. ● The shape of cells with specialized functions. Planning and Carrying Out Investigations: Identifying the phenomenon under investigation Students describe the phenomenon under investigation, which includes the following idea: ● The idea that living things are made up of cells. ● Systems of specialized cells within organisms help them perform the essential functions of life. Identifying the evidence to answer this question Students develop an investigation to plan and describe the data that will be collected and the evidence to be derived from the data, including: ● Different types of cells within one multicellular organism. ● The proportion and quantity of organelles within a specifc type of cell compared to a different cell type. ● The structure of a cell is related to its function. Students describe* how the evidence collected will be relevant to the purpose of the investigation. Planning for this investigation In the investigation plan, students describe: ● How the tools and methods included in the experimental design will provide the evidence necessary to address the purpose of the investigation, including that due to their small-scale size, cells are unable to be seen with the unaided eye and require engineered magnifcation devices to be seen Collecting the data Students collect and record: ● A few examples of different types of cells found in a multicellular organism. ● The structural differences, including organelle composition and cell shape, of different cell types. Refning the design If necessary, students refne the investigational plan to ● Determine whether the resulting evidence meets the goals of the investigation, including identifying the specifc structural differences in cells that support their function in multicellular organisms. *When “describe” is referenced, any of the following descriptions could be used: written, oral, pictorial, and kinesthetic.


Skill Building

STEM Unit Project- Have students apply what they learned in their module to their Unit Projects


Go Further: How can graphs help us interpret data? (p. 19)


Standard 1.5

The Study of Life


Quarter 1

McGraw Hill Module 1

Standard 2.2

ELA CONNECTIONS ● Assess the extent to which the reasoning and evidence in a text support the author’s claim or a recommendation for solving a scientifc or technical problem. ● Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem. ● Evaluate the hypotheses, data, analysis, and conclusions in a science or technical text, verifying the data when possible and corroborating or challenging conclusions with other sources of information. ● Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts, experiments, simulations) into a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving conficting information when possible. ● Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most signifcant for a specifc purpose and audience. ● Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. ● Cite specifc textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account. ● Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientifc procedures/ experiments, or technical processes. ● Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, refection, and research. ● Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of fndings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.


● Reason abstractly and quantitatively. ● Model with mathematics.

● Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data displays. ● Defne appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling. ● Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting quantities.



● Video (3:20):

Phenomena Introduction

Module Launch: “What species of insects live in your home?”



https://unta medscience.c

The Study of Life


Quarter 1

McGraw Hill Module 1

om/blog/hou sehold-bugs/

Video: ehold-bugs/ Post the phenomena question in the room. Keep it up throughout the module. Each day revisit the phenomena question and as a class write what new evidence from the lesson we can use to help answer the question.


document ● Launch Lab: Why is

observation important?

Have students complete CER

Launch Lab: Why is observation important?

● Chromebooks ● Video: Launch the Lesson: The Science of Life (~4 min) ● Chromebooks ● Article: “What Biologists Do?” ● Video: “The Characteristics of Life” (~1 min) ● Table 1, from pg. 8, descriptions emitted ● Printed packets of pgs. 7, 9-10 ● Assignment: Practice and Check

Engage Launch the Lesson: The Science of Life




Explore & Expand Introduction to Biology: What do Biologists Do? Have students read the article ‘What Biologists Do?’ about Jane Goodall Have students research about different careers in biology. Print pg. 8 table 1, omit descriptions - Students get into partners to fll in the descriptions on their own. Provide students with printed pages of the text for them to search for the answers. Have students keep a complete table in their notebook. For an assignment: Click on “Explore and Explain: The Characteristics of Life” ● Have students go to pages 7 and 8-- “Practice and Check” The Characteristics of Life: Watch 1 minute video

7, 9-10


The Study of Life


Quarter 1

McGraw Hill Module 1

● Chromebooks (optional) or Blank paper ● Elaborate: The Science of Life (online focus question)

Elaborate Review and summarize the concepts discussed in class today. Have students answer the Focus Question: What are the characteristics of living things?


● Blank paper or chromebook




Formative Assessment Pick a few questions (from the book) that you like from the “Check Your Progress” box.


Phenomena Check In




Revisit: “What species of insects live in your home?” What have we learned so far that will help us answer this question. Engage Launch the Lesson: The Nature of Science Questions: What do you know about the nature of science? What do you want to know about the nature of science?

● Chromebook to view the digital version ● ORhave students write




down their answers on paper

Introduce Vocab

● Powerpoint or notes for the scientifc method ● Paper for exit ticket

Explore & Expand


30-45 min

What is science? What is the scientifc method? Go over the steps of the scientifc method.

Discuss what it means to be scientifcally

The Study of Life


Quarter 1

McGraw Hill Module 1

literate and explain ethics.

Exit Ticket: Infer why scientists utilize peer reviews. Elaborate Elaborate: The Nature of Science What are the characteristics of scientifc inquiry?

● Discussion


● Skittles Lab ● Scientifc MethodCFA



Inquiry Lab: A lab that demonstrates the scientifc method.


Phenomena Check In

Check in to see how what students learned today helped them answer the phenomenon question. Revisit: “What species of insects live in your home?” Revisit CER have them make changes to the CER they did at the beginning of the module, correcting any evidence or reasoning that may be incorrect


Phenomena Wrap-Up



document fromthe beginning of Module

Chemistry in Biology


Quarter 1

McGraw Hill Module 6



● Module Launch: 45 min ● Lesson 4: 55 min ● Module Wrap-Up: 45 min

Module 6: Chemistry in Biology ● Phenomena: How does the food you eat become part of

your body and help your cells function? ● Lesson 4: The Building Blocks of Life



● I understand the role of carbon in living organisms and the 4 macromolecules. ● I understand the function of each biological macromolecule.

Bio 2.1 Construct and explanation based on evidence that all organisms are primarily composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, and that the matter taken into an organism is broken down and recombined to make macromolecules necessary for life functions. Emphasize that molecules are often transformed through enzymatic processes and the atoms involved are used to make carbohydrates, proteins, fats/lipids and nucleic acids. (LS1.C)


SKILLS (Verbs)

● Matter is taken into an organism and broken down into macromolecules

● Construct an explanation


● Macromolecule ● Lipid

● Polymer ● Protein

● Carbohydrate ● Aminoacid


Standard 2.1


Standard 2.1 Constructing Explanations: Articulating the explanation of phenomena Students construct an explanation that includes that:

● The relationship between the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms from sugar molecules formed in or ingested by an organism and those same atoms found in amino acids and other large carbon-based molecules; and ● That larger carbon-based molecules and amino acids can be a result of chemical reactions between sugar molecules (or their component atoms) and other atoms.

Chemistry in Biology


Quarter 1

McGraw Hill Module 6

Evidence Students identify and describe* the evidence to construct the explanation, including: ● All organisms take in matter (allowing growth and maintenance) and rearrange the atoms in chemical reactions. ● Cellular respiration involves chemical reactions between sugar molecules and other molecules in which energy is released that can be used to drive other chemical reactions. ● Sugar molecules are composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms. ● Amino acids and other complex carbon-based molecules are composed largely of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms. ● Chemical reactions can create products that are more complex than the reactants. ● Chemical reactions involve changes in the energies of the molecules involved in the reaction. Students use a variety of valid and reliable sources for the evidence, which may include theories, simulations, peer review, and students’ own investigations. Reasoning Students use reasoning to connect the evidence, along with the assumption that theories and laws that describe the natural world operate today as they did in the past and will continue to do so in the future, to construct the explanation that atoms from sugar molecules may combine with other elements via chemical reactions to form other large carbon-based molecules. Students describe* the following chain of reasoning for their explanation: ● The atoms in sugar molecules can provide most of the atoms that comprise amino acids and other complex carbon-based molecules. ● The energy released in respiration can be used to drive chemical reactions between sugars and other substances, and the products of those reactions can include amino acids and other complex carbon-based molecules. ● The matter fows in cellular processes are the result of the rearrangement of primarily the atoms in sugar molecules because those are the molecules whose reactions release the energy needed for cell processes. Revising the explanation Given new evidence or context, students revise or expand their explanation about the relationships between atoms in sugar molecules and atoms in large carbon-based molecules, and justify their revision. *When “describe” is referenced, any of the following descriptions could be used: written, oral, pictorial, and kinesthetic.


Skill Building

STEM Unit Project- Have students apply what they learned in their module to their Unit Projects Go Further: How do pH and temperature affect protease activity? (p. 160)



Chemistry in Biology


Quarter 1

McGraw Hill Module 6

Standard 2.1

ELA CONNECTIONS ● Cite specifc textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account. ● Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientifc procedures/ experiments, or technical processes. ● Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most signifcant for a specifc purpose and audience. ● Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, refection, and research.


● N/A



● Phenomenon picture ● Video ● CER

How does the food you eat become part of your body and help your cells function?

Phenomena Introduction

5-10 min

DBQ- Have students write questions they have about the phenomena on sticky notes and put them on the driving question board. Post the phenomena question in the room. Keep it up throughout the module. Each day revisit the phenomena question and as a class write what new evidence from the lesson we can use to help answer the question.


document (or use the digital CER platform within the) How does the nutrient content in food compare?(loc ated in online textbook)

5-10 min

● Launch Lab:


Launch Lab: How does the nutrient content in food compare?

● Murder Meal Lab

Alternate lab: Murder and a Meal (You could also do this lab as the phenomenon as students will observe the presence or


Chemistry in Biology


Quarter 1

McGraw Hill Module 6

absence of macromolecules)

● Building

Engage : ● Interactive Content (The Building Blocks of Life) ● Driving Question Board: Have



Blocks of Life

The Building Blocks of Life

students revisit the DBQ to remind themselves of the Unit and Module questions. Have students read the focus question and add it to the DBQ.

Focus Question: Why is carbon essential to life?

● Organic

Explore & Explain:

152-1 53

● Interactive Content: Organic Chemistry ● Interactive Content: Macromolecules ● Interactive Content: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins ● Activity: Have students bring in

Chemistry ● Macromolecul es ● Carbohydrate s ● Lipids ● Proteins

nutrition content labels from food products and identify which foods have simple sugars and which contains complex carbs.


Elaborate: ● Return to DBQ and have students determine what questions they can answer


● Lesson Check Questions



● Formative Assessment: Lesson Check

● Phenomena picture

Phenomena Check-In: How does the food you eat become part of your body and help your cells function?


Revisit: How does the food you eat become part of your body and help your cells function?

Phenomena Wrap-Up



document fromthe

Chemistry in Biology


Quarter 1

McGraw Hill Module 6

beginning of Module

Revisit CER have them make changes to the CER they did at the beginning of the module, correcting any evidence or reasoning that may be incorrect.

Cellular Structure and Function


McGraw Hill Module 7

Quarter 1



● Module Launch: 45 min ● Lesson 1: 100 min ● Lesson 2: 140 min ● Lesson 3: 45 min ● Lesson 4: 90 min ● Module Wrap-Up: 45 min

Module 7: Cellular Structure and Function ● Phenomena: What could you see if you used this microscope?

● Lesson 1: Cell Discovery and Theory ● Lesson 2: The Plasma Membrane ● Lesson 3: Cellular Transport ● Lesson 4: Structures and Organelles



● I understand the principles of cell theory. ● I understand the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. ● I understand the mechanisms of passive and active transport. ● I understand the structures of a eukaryotic cell and what functions they serve. ● I understand the difference in plant and animal cells. ● I understand the roles of plasma membrane, proteins, carbohydrates and cholesterol. ● I understand the mechanisms of passive and active transport. ● I understand how cells maintain homeostasis.

Bio2.2 - Ask questions to plan and carry out an investigation to determine how (a) the structure and function of cells, (b) the proportion and quantity of organelles, and (c) the shape of cells result in cells with specialized functions. Examples could include mitochondria in muscle and nerve cells, chloroplasts in leaf cells, ribosomes in pancreatic cells, or the shape of nerve cells and muscle cells. (LS1.A)

Bio2.4 - Plan and carry out an investigation to determine how cells maintain stability within a range of changing conditions by the transport of materials across the cell membrane. Emphasize that large and small particles can pass through the cell membrane to maintain homeostasis. (LS1.A) Bio2.6 - Ask questions to develop an argument for how the structure and function of interacting organs and organ systems, that make up multicellular organisms, contribute to homeostasis within the organism. Emphasize the interactions of organs and organ systems with the immune, endocrine, and nervous systems. (LS1.A) Bio2.7 - Plan and carry out an investigation to provide evidence of homeostasis and that feedback mechanisms maintain stability in organisms. Examples of investigations could include heart rate response to changes in activity, stomata response to changes in moisture or temperature, or root development in response to variations in water level. (LS1.A)

● I understand how cells maintain homeostasis. ● I understand how cells respond to changes in the environment.


SKILLS (Verbs)

Cellular Structure and Function


McGraw Hill Module 7

Quarter 1

● Cycling of Matter and Flow of Energy in Ecosystem ● Movement of Matter and Energy Through Living Organisms ● Carbon Cycle and How It Relates to Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration ● Organisms are made up of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen andCarbon ● Matter is taken into an organism and broken down into macromolecules

● Develop and use a model ● Analyze and interpret data ● Construct an explanation


● Cell ● Cell theory ● Plasma membrane ● Organelle ● Eukaryotic cell ● Nucleus ● Prokaryotic cell ● Phospholipid bilayer ● Transport protein ● Fluid mosaic model ● Selective permeability ● Diffusion

● Dynamic equilibrium ● Facilitated diffusion ● Osmosis ● Isotonic solution ● Hypotonic solution ● Hypertonic solution ● Active transport ● Endocytosis

● Cilium ● Flagellum ● Cell wall ● Nucleolus ● Mitochondrion ● Chloroplast ● Ribosome ● Endoplasmic reticulum ● Golgi apparatus ● Vacuole ● Lysosome

● Exocytosis ● Cytoplasm ● Cytoskeleton ● Centriole


Standard 2.2 Standard 2.4 Standard 2.6 Standard 2.7


Standard 2.2 What does it look like to demonstrate profciency on this standard? Asking Questions: Addressing phenomena of the natural world or scientifc theories Students evaluate the given questions in terms of whether or not answers to the questions would: ● Distinguish the structural differences between different specialized cell types. ● Lead to an investigation in which data could be gathered about the structure of specialized cells. Evaluating empirical testability Students evaluate the given questions in terms of whether or not answers to the questions would provide means to empirically determine

● How the structure and function of cells results in specialized functions. ● The proportion and quantity of organelles in cells with specialized functions.

Cellular Structure and Function


McGraw Hill Module 7

Quarter 1

● The shape of cells with specialized functions. Planning and Carrying Out Investigations: Identifying the phenomenon under investigation Students describe the phenomenon under investigation, which includes the following idea: ● The idea that living things are made up of cells. ● Systems of specialized cells within organisms help them perform the essential functions of life. Identifying the evidence to answer this question Students develop an investigation to plan and describe the data that will be collected and the evidence to be derived from the data, including: ● Different types of cells within one multicellular organism. ● The proportion and quantity of organelles within a specifc type of cell compared to a different cell type. ● The structure of a cell is related to its function. Students describe* how the evidence collected will be relevant to the purpose of the investigation. Planning for this investigation In the investigation plan, students describe: ● How the tools and methods included in the experimental design will provide the evidence necessary to address the purpose of the investigation, including that due to their small-scale size, cells are unable to be seen with the unaided eye and require engineered magnifcation devices to be seen Collecting the data Students collect and record: ● A few examples of different types of cells found in a multicellular organism. ● The structural differences, including organelle composition and cell shape, of different cell types. Refning the design If necessary, students refne the investigational plan to ● Determine whether the resulting evidence meets the goals of the investigation, including identifying the specifc structural differences in cells that support their function in multicellular organisms. *When “describe” is referenced, any of the following descriptions could be used: written, oral, pictorial, and kinesthetic. Standard 2.4 Planning and Carrying Out Investigations: Identifying the phenomenon under investigation Students describe the phenomenon under investigation, which includes the following idea: ● The feedback mechanisms at the cellular level maintain homeostasis. Identifying the evidence to answer this question Students develop an investigation to plan and describe* the data that will be collected and the evidence to be derived from the data, including: ● Changes within a chosen range in the external environment of a cell; and ● Response of a cell that would stabilize and maintain the cell’s internal conditions (homeostasis), even though external conditions change, thus establishing the positive or negative feedback mechanism. Students describe* why the data will provide information relevant to the purpose of the investigation.

Cellular Structure and Function


McGraw Hill Module 7

Quarter 1

Planning for this investigation In the investigation plan, students describe: ● How the change in the external environment is to be measured or identifed; ● How the response of the cell will be measured or identifed; ● How the stabilization or destabilization of the cell’s internal conditions will be measured or determined. ● The experimental procedure, the evidence derived from the data, and identifcation of limitations on the precision of data to include types and amounts; and ● Whether the investigation will be conducted individually or collaboratively. Collecting the data Students collect and record: ● Changes in the external environment and cell responses as a function of time. Refning the design Students evaluate their investigation including: ● Assessment of the accuracy and precision of the data, as well as limitations (e.g., cost, risk, time,) of the investigation, and make suggestions for refnement; and ● Assessment of the ability of the data to provide the evidence required. If necessary, students refne the investigational plan to produce more generalizable data. *When “describe” is referenced, any of the following descriptions could be used: written, oral, pictorial, and kinesthetic. Standard 2.6 Asking Questions: Addressing phenomena of the natural world or scientifc theories Students use models of organ systems, organs and their component tissues to formulate questions, the answers to which would clarify: ● The functions of at least two major body systems in terms of contributions to overall function of an organism, ● Ways the functions of two different systems affect one another, ● A system’s function and how that relates both to the system’s parts and to the overall function of the organism, and ● How feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis. Evaluating empirical testability Students evaluate the given questions in terms of whether or not answers to the questions would provide means to empirically determine ● How the interaction between systems provides specifc functions in multicellular organisms. Engaging in Argument: Developing the claim Students develop a claim that is supported by generalizing from multiple sources of evidence, which includes the following idea: ● The relevant parts (e.g.; organ systems, organs, and their component tissues) and processes (e.g., transport of fuids, motion) of body systems in multicellular organisms work to maintain homeostasis through feedback mechanisms. Identifying scientifc evidence

Cellular Structure and Function


McGraw Hill Module 7

Quarter 1

Students identify and describe evidence supporting the claim, including: ● The functions of at least two major body systems in terms of contributions to the overall function of an organism. ● Ways the functions of two different systems affect one another, and ● A system’s function and how that relates both to the system’s parts and to the overall function of the organism, and ● Feedback mechanisms involved in maintaining homeostasis. Evaluating and critiquing the evidence Students evaluate the evidence and include the following in their evaluation: ● A statement regarding how variation or uncertainty in the data (e.g. limitations, low signal-to-noise ratio, collection bias, etc.) may affect the usefulness of the data as sources of evidence. Reasoning and synthesis Students use at least two examples to construct oral and written logical arguments about: ● How the interaction between systems provides specifc functions in multicellular organisms, and ● How feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis. Standard 2.7 Planning and Carrying Out Investigations: Identifying the phenomenon under investigation Students describe the phenomenon under investigation, which includes the following idea: ● Students describe* the phenomenon under investigation, which includes the following idea: that feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis. Identifying the evidence to answer this question Students develop an investigation plan and describe* the data that will be collected and the evidence to be derived from the data, including: ● Changes within a chosen range in the external environment of a living system; and ● Responses of a living system that would stabilize and maintain the system’s internal conditions (homeostasis), even though external conditions change, thus establishing the positive or negative feedback mechanism. Students describe why the data will provide information relevant to the purpose of the investigation Planning for this investigation In the investigation plan, students describe: ● How the change in the external environment is to be measured or identifed; ● How the response of the living system will be measured or identifed; ● How the stabilization or destabilization of the system’s internal conditions will be measured or determined; ● The experimental procedure, the minimum number of different systems (and the factors that affect them) that would allow generalization of results, the evidence derived from the data, and identifcation

of limitations on the precision of data to include types and amounts; and ● Whether the investigation will be conducted individually or collaboratively Collecting the data Students collect and record: ● Changes in the external environment and organism responses as a function of time. Refning the design

Cellular Structure and Function


McGraw Hill Module 7

Quarter 1

Students evaluate their assessment including: ● Assessment of the accuracy and precision of the data, as well as limitations (e.g., cost, risk, time) of the investigation, and make suggestions for refnement; and ● Assessment of the ability of the data to provide the evidence required. If necessary, students refne the investigational plan to produce more generalizable data. *When “describe” is referenced, any of the following descriptions could be used: written, oral, pictorial, and kinesthetic.


Skill Building

STEM Unit Project- Have students apply what they learned in their module to their Unit Projects Go Further: How are protein channels involved in the death of a nerve cell after a stroke? (p. 195)



Standard 2.2 Standard 2.4 Standard 2.6 Standard 2.7

ELA CONNECTIONS ● Cite specifc textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account. ● Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientifc procedures/ experiments, or technical processes. ● Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, refection, and research. ● Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of fndings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest. ● C onduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. ● Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the specifc task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the fow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation.


Cellular Structure and Function


McGraw Hill Module 7

Quarter 1

● N/A




Phenomena Introduction Lesson1: Cell Discovery & Theory

What could you see if you used this microscope? Cell structures video Engage → Interactive content video about the frst microscope. Focus Question: How did the invention of the microscope lead to the discovery of cells? Explore & Explain → interactive slide show with info about frst microscope, Schleiden, Schwan & Virchow, and basic cell types.

162 Module



163 Cell Theory


Lesson Launch

164-1 67

Microscopes Slides of Cells

Quick Investigation: Discover cells

Elaborate → How did the invention of the microscope lead to the discovery of the cell?

168 Cell Discovery andTheory Writing Prompt 168 Cell Discovery andTheory Lesson Check Q4only.

Evaluate → 4 question lesson check.

Phenomena Check In

Engage → Launch the Lesson: Uses castle moats as an analogy for the phospholipid bilayer. Focus Question: Why is the plasma membrane an important structure of the cell? Explore & Expand → Interactive structure/function of the plasma membrane, video, followed by a practice and a check.

Lesson2: ThePlasma Membrane

169 Launch: The Plasma Membrane


170 171

Elaborate → Cell Membrane Lab

171 Lab

Dialysis Tubing Starch Solution Glucose

Cellular Structure and Function


McGraw Hill Module 7

Quarter 1

Solution Rubber Bands Distilled Water Iodine Test Tubes Test Tube Racks Benedicts Solution

Evaluate → Have students draw a model of the structure of the plasma membrane (compare with Figure6)

171 Paper, or White boards for model

Phenomena Check In


Engage → Video of buns baking, follow up questions

Lesson3: Cellular Transport

173 Lesson Launch: Cell Transport


Focus Question: What processes enable substances to move into or out of the cell?

Explore & Expand → 5 readings 1. Passive & Active Transport 2. Diffusion across a Membrane 3. Facilitated Diffusion 4. Osmosis 5. Sodium-Potassium Pump Phet Simulation - Membrane Channels

174 179

Copies of 5 readings for students

Phet Online Simulations

Elaborate → Investigating Osmosis

180 Slides

Microscope Onion epidermis Water Iodine Stain Droppers SaltWater

Evaluate → Quiz to compare the types of cellular transport

180 Quiz

Phenomena Check In

Engage → Plant cell factory simulation

Lesson4: Structures

181 Lesson Launch: Structures &


Cellular Structure and Function


McGraw Hill Module 7

Quarter 1

and Organelles

Focus Question: What are the structures and their functions in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? Explore & Expand → 6 readings. Break kids into groups and jigsaw the readings. Provide a graphic organizer. Ensure that all groups have all the information.


182 -191

1. Cell shape and movement 2. Controlling cell activities 3. Processing energy 4. Manufacturing Proteins 5. Processing, transporting, and Storing Molecules 6. Put it all together

Elaborate → Virtual Investigation: Cellular Pursuit

Virtual Lab

Evaluate → List the organelles on the board and have students write what they know about them.


Phenomena Check In


Cellular Energy


Quarter 2

McGraw Hill Module 8



● Module Launch: 45 min ● Lesson 1: 90 min ● Lesson 2: 55 min ● Lesson 3: 55 min ● Module Wrap-Up: 45 min

Module 2: Cellular Energy ● Phenomena: Why would a farmer grow lettuce in a greenhouse? ● Lesson 1: How Organisms Obtain Energy ● Lesson 2: Photosynthesis ● Lesson 3: Cellular Respiration



● I understand how matter fows through an ecosystem. ● I understand how energy fows through an ecosystem. ● I understand how matter fows through an ecosystem. ● I understand how energy fows through an ecosystem. ● I understand how matter fows through an ecosystem. ● I understand how energy fows through an ecosystem.

Bio1.3 - Analyze and interpret data to determine the effects of photosynthesis and cellular respiration on the scale and proportion of carbon reservoirs in the carbon cycle. Emphasize the cycling of carbon through the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere and how changes to various reservoirs impact ecosystems. Examples of changes to the scale and proportion of reservoirs could include deforestation, fossil fuel combustion, or ocean uptake of carbon dioxide. (PS3.D, LS1.C, LS2.B) Bio 2.1 - Construct an explanation based on evidence that all organisms are primarily composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, and that the matter taken into an organism is broken down and recombined to make macromolecules necessary for life functions. Emphasize that molecules are often transformed through enzymatic processes and the atoms involved are used to make carbohydrates, proteins, fats/lipids, and nucleic acids. (LS1.C) Bio 2.3 - Develop and use a model to illustrate the cycling of matter and fow of energy through living things by the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Emphasize how the products of one reaction are the reactants of the other and how the energy transfers in these reactions. (PS3.D, LS1.C, LS2.B)


SKILLS (Verbs)

● Cycling of Matter and Flow of Energy in Ecosystem ● Movement of Matter and Energy Through Living Organisms ● Carbon Cycle and How It Relates to Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration ● Organisms are made up of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen

● Develop and use a model ● Analyze and interpret data ● Construct an explanation

Cellular Energy


Quarter 2

McGraw Hill Module 8

andCarbon ● Matter is taken into an organism and broken down into macromolecules


● Energy ● Thermodynamics ● Metabolism ● Photosynthesis ● Cellular Respiration ● Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

● Thylakoid ● Grana ● Stroma ● Pigments ● NADP+ ● Calvin cycle ● Rubisco

● Anaerobic respiration ● Aerobic respiration ● Glycolysis ● Krebs cycle ● Fermentation


Standard 1.3 Standard 2.1 Standard 2.3


Standard 1.3 Analyzing and Interpreting Data: Organizing Data Students organize data that represents: ● The inputs and outputs of photosynthesis in the carbon cycle, ● The inputs and outputs of cellular respiration in the carbon cycle, and ● The inputs and outputs in the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere in the carbon cycle Identifying Relationships Students analyze data to identify effects of: ● The exchange of carbon (through carbon-containing compounds) between organisms and the environment. ● The role of storing carbon in organisms (in the form of carbon-containing compounds) as part of the carbon cycle. ● The contribution of photosynthesis and cellular respiration to the exchange of carbon within and among the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. Interpreting Data Students use the analyzed data to make a claim about how changes to the inputs and outputs of the carbon cycle impacts ecosystems.

Standard 2.1

Cellular Energy


Quarter 2

McGraw Hill Module 8

Constructing Explanations: Articulating the explanation of phenomena Students construct an explanation that includes that:

● The relationship between the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms from sugar molecules formed in or ingested by an organism and those same atoms found in amino acids and other large carbon-based molecules; and ● That larger carbon-based molecules and amino acids can be a result of chemical reactions between sugar molecules (or their component atoms) and other atoms. Evidence Students identify and describe* the evidence to construct the explanation, including: ● All organisms take in matter (allowing growth and maintenance) and rearrange the atoms in chemical reactions. ● Cellular respiration involves chemical reactions between sugar molecules and other molecules in which energy is released that can be used to drive other chemical reactions. ● Sugar molecules are composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms. ● Amino acids and other complex carbon-based molecules are composed largely of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms. ● Chemical reactions can create products that are more complex than the reactants. ● Chemical reactions involve changes in the energies of the molecules involved in the reaction. Students use a variety of valid and reliable sources for the evidence, which may include theories, simulations, peer review, and students’ own investigations. Reasoning Students use reasoning to connect the evidence, along with the assumption that theories and laws that describe the natural world operate today as they did in the past and will continue to do so in the future, to construct the explanation that atoms from sugar molecules may combine with other elements via chemical reactions to form other large carbon-based molecules. Students describe* the following chain of reasoning for their explanation: ● The atoms in sugar molecules can provide most of the atoms that comprise amino acids and other complex carbon-based molecules. ● The energy released in respiration can be used to drive chemical reactions between sugars and other substances, and the products of those reactions can include amino acids and other complex carbon-based molecules. ● The matter fows in cellular processes are the result of the rearrangement of primarily the atoms in sugar molecules because those are the molecules whose reactions release the energy needed for cell processes. Revising the explanation Given new evidence or context, students revise or expand their explanation about the relationships between atoms in sugar molecules and atoms in large carbon-based molecules, and justify their revision. *When “describe” is referenced, any of the following descriptions could be used: written, oral, pictorial, and kinesthetic.

Cellular Energy


Quarter 2

McGraw Hill Module 8

Standard 2.3 Developing and Using Models: Components of the model (When given a model)

From the given model, students identify and describe* the components of the model relevant for illustrating that photosynthesis transforms light energy into stored chemical energy by converting carbon dioxide plus water into sugars plus released oxygen, including: ● Energy in the form of light; ● Breaking of chemical bonds to absorb energy; ● Formation of chemical bonds to release energy; and ● Matter in the form of carbon dioxide, water, sugar, and oxygen From a given model, students identify and describe* the components of the model relevant for their illustration of cellular respiration, including: ● Matter in the form of food molecules, oxygen, and the products of their reaction (e.g., water andCO 2 ); ● The breaking and formation of chemical bonds; and ● Energy from the chemical reactions. Relationships Students identify the following relationship between components of the given model: ● Sugar and oxygen are produced by carbon dioxide and water by the process of photosynthesis. ● Carbon dioxide and water are produced from sugar and oxygen by the process of cellular respiration; and ● The process of cellular respiration releases energy because the energy released when the bonds that are formed in CO 2 and water is greater than the energy required to break the bonds of sugar and oxygen. Connections Students use the model to illustrate: ● The transfer of matter and fow of energy between the organism and its environment during photosynthesis; and ● Photosynthesis as resulting in the storage of energy in the difference between the energies of the chemical bonds of the inputs (carbon dioxide and water) and outputs (sugar and oxygen) ● The chemical reaction of oxygen and food molecules releases energy as the matter is rearranged, existing chemical bonds are broken, and new chemical bonds are formed, but matter and energy are neither created nor destroyed. ● Food molecules and oxygen transfer energy to the cell to sustain life’s processes, including the maintenance of body temperature despite ongoing energy transfer to the surrounding environment. *When “describe” is referenced, any of the following descriptions could be used: written, oral, pictorial, and kinesthetic.


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