BHS American Sign Language Guide

● I can recall the vocabulary we learned in the previous level in relation to: ○ Food names ○ Opinions ○ Money ● I can explain how to make a specific recipe so that someone could use my signed instructions to make it themselves. ● I can demonstrate correct classifiers for cooking

Structure: ●

Descriptive Classifiers

Order in which to describe objects

Culture: ●

Deaf individuals involved in food industry ● After meals are finished, Deaf stay in kitchen and don’t move to living room

LEARNING PROGRESSIONS FOR PROFICIENCY READING When students exhibit Novice High reading ability in partner language, here are some examples of the kinds of things they can understand: 17. basic information on familiar topics 18. information required to complete basic forms 19. short directions and instructions that may be supported by visuals 20. some ideas and information provided in the texts


When students exhibit Novice High listening proficiency in partner language, here are some examples of the kinds of things they are able to understand: 25. short, simple conversations about daily life, routines and other familiar topics 26. short, simple descriptions of people

27. short, simple messages and announcements 28. information pertaining to subject area content

29. directions and instructions are limited to one or two steps 30. simple stories that follow a logical order and are supported by props, visuals and/or gestures



When students exhibit Novice High speaking ability in partner language, here are examples of the kinds of things they can do with familiar topics: 41. ask and give basic information about people 42. ask and give basic information about places 43. ask and give basic information about their daily routine 44. ask and give basic information about events (birthday parties, and outings) 45. ask questions to gain new information 46. exchange information with other people about what to do, where to go and when to meet 47. tell what happens at a particular kind of event (birthday party, sports event) 48. tell how to do something (ex. play a game, make food, solve a math problem) 49. give simple directions to a location 50. tell about something learned at school or in the community

When students exhibit Novice High writing ability in partner language, here are some examples of the kinds of things they can do in writing: 29. give basic information about people important to them 30. give basic information about places 31. give basic information about their daily routine 32. give basic information about events (birthday party, and outings) 33. write about self 34. write about something learned at school or in the community 35. write questions to obtain information


Skill Building

● Use a variety of visuals to define meaning of words and phrases

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