BHS 9th Grade ELA



CC.9-10.L.6 Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

TOD 402. Identify the purpose of a word or phrase when the purpose is straightforward (e.g., describing a person, giving examples). TOD 403. Use a word, phrase, or sentence to accomplish a straightforward purpose (e.g., conveying a feeling or attitude).

ACT Abbreviations

ACT Writing Test Standards

Expressing Judgements (EXJ)

Focusing on the Topic (FOC)

Developing Ideas (DEV)

Organizing Ideas (ORI) Close Reading (CLR)

Using Language (USL)

ACT Reading Test Standards

Central Ideas, Themes, and Summaries (IDT)

Relationships (REL)

Word Meanings and Word Choice (WME)

Text Structure (TST)

Purpose and Point of View (PPV)

Arguments (ARG)

ACT English Test Standards

Topic Development in Terms of Purpose and Focus (TOD)

Organization, Unity, and Cohesion (ORG) Usage Conventions (USG)

Knowledge of Language (KLA)

Sentence Structure and Formation (SST)

Punctuation Conventions (PUN)

Courtesy of Bruce Eschler, CCHS


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