BHS 11th Grade ELA
Canyons School District
Instructional Supports Department
An Introduction to SALTA
Supporting Advanced Learners Toward Achievement
Additional Resources
SALTA services are provided to meet the needs of identified gifted/talented and high ability students. The SALTA program serves gifted/talented and high ability students in two elementary schools and in one middle school. Advanced learners in Canyons School District who demonstrate advanced knowledge and a novel learning capacity are offered a learning experience that is differentiated and matched to their unique learning characteristics. Those characteristics include the capacity to handle content at an advanced level and pace, the ability to explore areas in significant depth, the tendency to ask and grapple with difficult questions, the potential to respond creatively, and the desire to use leadership abilities to make a difference in the world. Instruction for gifted students is specifically designed to challenge academically advanced learners and to provide experiences that promote critical thinking and reasoning skills, creativity and divergent thinking, research and independent study skills, communication, and interpersonal and affective skills. While engaged in high quality gifted services, the students will have the opportunity to contribute to the strength and vitality of our schools, our district, and our community.
Characteristics of Gifted and Talented Students Include:
● Enhanced Verbal Ability
● Unusual Capacity for Informational Processing
● High Curiosity Level
● Fast and Sustained Memory Retention
● Intensity and Persistence
● Sense of Humor
● Sense of Justice
● Strong Imagination
To learn more about SALTA, including how we identify students and frequently asked questions, choose the “Additional Resources” link near the top of the page.
● Keen Observation
● Problem Solving Capabilities
Or, check us out at our district website:
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