BHS 11th Grade ELA
Practice Work
There are four purposes of practice work: Pre-learning for upcoming standards and skills, checking for student understanding of standards that have been taught, continued practice on a current standard or skill, and student reflection of learning based on current standard or skill. -Vatterott • Practice work is to provide a way to practice skills and solidify content knowledge before summative assessment. • Practice work provides opportunities for students to get timely feedback on learning and understanding. • Practice work can occur at home or during class time, depending on the purpose of the lesson. • Homework should be aligned to student capabilities or understanding of content standard.
Expected Best Practices
Outdated Practices
• Practice work is directly aligned to standards. • When students are expected to complete practice work at home, individually the student should have the knowledge and skills to be able to complete the work without adult help. • Assigned practice work should have a specific purpose and success criteria. • When students are given practice work to complete it should meet one of the four purposes outlined for practice work. • Timely and specific feedback should be provided to students on all practice work assigned.
• Practice work assigned is not aligned to a standard. • Students do not have the skills or knowledge to complete the work independently. • There is no specific goal or defined success criteria for practice work. • Practice work does not meet one of the four purposes outlined. • No feedback is provided to students on the practice work assigned.
Implementation Standards
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