BHS 11th Grade ELA
Lesson planning is at the core of effective teaching. The lesson planning process allows teachers to synthesize their understanding of teaching pedagogy with their knowledge of students as learners, their curriculum, and their teaching context. Through the lesson planning process, teachers can predict how the learning will progress and analyze how the individual pieces of the learning process will all come together in creative ways to make the lesson successful in meeting its objectives. (CSD CTESS Manual)
Critical Elements of Lesson Planning
Much of the work of effective teachers occurs before and after classroom instruction through planning lessons that include the critical components of effective instruction (i.e. evidence- based instructional priorities). The CSD Lesson Planning Guide has been developed to allow teachers to and encourage planning that will ensure highly effective instruction. There are three parts to the guide: Planning, Teaching, and Reflecting.
Part 1: Planning (Section #1-9)
In Planning, teachers document information to create a purpose and clarity for teaching and learning by completing the following sections: 1. Teacher Name, Date and Duration 2. Course/Content/Grade 3. Unit/Topic/Module 4. Core Standards 5. Learning Intentions & Success Criteria 6. Vocabulary Essential to Student Understanding
*Sections 1-6 create a purpose, connection to content curriculum map and provides teacher clarity for design of an effective lesson plan. 7. Interdisciplinary Connections Interdisciplinary connections(content, skills or vocabulary)
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