BHS 11th Grade ELA




Text-Dependent Questions

Trauma Sensitive. A trauma-sensitive school is one in which all students feel safe, welcomed, and supported and where trauma’s impact on learning is addressed on a school-wide basis.The nature of trauma is that it can cause feelings of disconnection from the school community that undermine students’ success and a welcoming, supportive community can help children overcome these feelings and diminish the severity of the trauma response. Utah Coalition of Educational Technology (UCET) is Utah’s ISTE affiliate. UCET hosts a yearly technology conference and supports technology learning throughout the State of Utah Uniform Growth Goal (UGG) refers to the State of Utah’s standard for annual growth in early literacy skills that is uniform across the state for all students in grades 1-3. Universal Screening is a procedure in which all students are evaluated for the purpose of identifying which students may need more intensive interventions. For example, reading is a critical and foundational academic skill, for which CSD screens in elementary school with Acadience Reading and in middle school with the RI The Utah Core Standards for teaching and learning, adopted by the Utah State Board of Education, are implemented by local school districts and charter schools with guidance and support from the Utah State Office of Education Unicheck functions as a check for potential plagiarism through Canvas (replaces Turnitin)





Universal Screening Utah Core Standards


Validity refers to the degree to which a test measures what it is intended to measure

World Class Instructional Design Assessment (WIDA) is a consortium of member states dedicated to the design and implementation of research-based language standards, assessments, and equitable educational opportunities for English language learners


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