BHS 11th Grade ELA
ACTFL Assessment of Performance Toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) is a performance assessment of standards-based language learning across the interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive modes of language. AAPPL asessess students’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in a target language The ACT (American College Testing) was designed to measure the academic skills required for success in college and university settings. College and universities commonly use results to help determine which students to admit. There are four college readiness benchmark areas: (1) English, (2) Mathematics, (3) Reading, and (4) Science. Students reaching ACT benchmarks have a 75% or better chance of achieving a “C” or higher and a 50% chance or better of achieving a “B” or higher in a college course in that subject. The ACT is administered to all 11th graders within the Canyons School District in the spring Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of functions and procedures allowing the creation of applications that access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other services Acadience is a data management tool for CBM Benchmarking and progress monitoring in reading and math in kindergarten through grade 6, formally known as DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) assessment system. The Utah Aspire Plus is a hybrid of test items from the American College Testing (ACT) Aspire and the Utah Core. This is a computer delivered, fixed form, high school assessment for students in grades 9 and 10. The test includes subtests for Reading, English, Math, and Science. The tests provide students with a predictive score for the ACT, which is taken by all Utah 11th grade students and is the most commonly submitted college readiness assessment for local universities Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a college and career preparation program aimed at closing the opportunity gap among diverse and underrepresented demographic groups of students. AVID promotes inquiry- based and student-centric instruction to increase learning Brain Boosters are rotation courses in elementary schools taught by Instructional Technicians (ITs). Elementary schools typically have four Brain Booster rotations per week, which may include Library, STEM, Arts, or PE/Playworks Building Leadership Teams (BLTs) are comprised of members of the school staff and an external coach. Each school’s BLT is charged with the following tasks: • To identify, plan, and develop the instruction, intervention, and supports for all students to be successful • To sustain improvement over time • To develop collective capacity for quality instruction (e.g. support all teachers in professional learning and growth) and leadership Beverly Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (commonly shortened to BTS) is a legislatively funded program that provides grants to employ certified arts teachers in elementary schools. Canyons currently has 22 elementary schools with BTS specialists
Acadience Reading Acadience Math
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