BHS 11th Grade ELA
SELF-MONITORING Effect Size 0.97 Implementation Tools & Resources
An overarching goal in education is to enable students to become independent and self-sufficient, and capable of managing their own behavior without the assistance of others. Self-monitoring is a strategy used to help students monitor and manage their own behavior. Like any other new skill, self-monitoring will need to be explicitly taught to students, and students should have the opportunity to practice and receive feedback in using a self-monitoring routine. When providing feedback, it is important for students to be reinforced for appropriate behavior AND for an accurate self-reflection. Self-Monitoring Process Teacher identifies the target behavior. Target should be worded in a positive way. Step 2 Create a detailed description of what the targeted behavior looks like so it can be observed and measured. Step 3 Teacher collects base-line data on targeted behavior. Step 1 Teacher determines if the targeted behavior should be modified or changed based on data. Determine all procedures and materials that will need to be used by the student. Step 6 Teach the student how to self-monitor. Provide student with practice and feedback, and monitor for accuracy. Monitor student’s progress to determine if the targeted behavior is increasing. As student masters the targeted behavior, fade the use of the intervention, or begin again on a new targeted behavior. Step 5 Step 7 Step 8 Step 4
Critical Actions for Educators
*Determine targeted behaviors. *Collect base-line data *Teach targeted behavior. *Teach self-monitoring protocols. *Monitor progress. *Provide positive feedback and celebrate progress. *Fade intervention as student masters the targeted behavior.
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