BHS 11th Grade ELA
Key Component
Explicitly teach classroom rules and routines, as well as digital expectations, to students. • Define and model positive examples and non-examples of what the rules look like. • Have students practice performing the desired behaviors. • Provide positive and corrective feedback as needed during practice of the desired behaviors. Review and practice the rules with students throughout the school year. • Review rules more comprehensively after significant breaks in the school schedule (e.g. Thanksgiving, Winter, Spring) and as needed. • Example Routine (classroom exit): Describe and model the routine to students, have students practice lining up, and going back to their seats. It is important that 100% of students demonstrate the behavior correctly. This may require multiple practice opportunities while providing positive and corrective feedback. • It is important to publicly recognize positive behavior, especially when students are following classroom and school rules. Monitor students closely while in the classroom and give specific feedback often. Public positive statements often prompt other students to exhibit the desired behavior. • Example: “I really like the way Sarah is waiting for instructions. She has her materials ready. This is a great way to show responsibility. I’d like to see everyone follow Sarah’s example of waiting for instructions.” • When behavioral errors occur, it is important for teachers to re-teach, as well as consistently implement pre-planned consequences with students (e.g. What If? Chart). If behavioral errors continue to occur with a class, or with a particular student, teachers must employ further strategies to help support students in demonstrating positive behavior. Some strategies include: • Using Safety Care prevention strategies to de-escalate if needed (Help, Prompt, Wait) • Example of Precision Request: Teacher observes Sarah out of her seat during instruction. The teacher approaches Sarah quietly and says “Sarah, the rule in our class we stay in our seat during instruction. Please show me how you can sit in your seat.” While Sarah is performing the desired behavior, you might say, “Sarah, I appreciate how you’re sitting in your seat. Great job.” If Sarah does not comply, say “Sarah, I need you to sit down in your seat.” If Sarah complies, provide positive feedback. If Sarah does not comply, refer to the “What If” chart, and provide a pre-determined consequence. • Increasing rate of feedback for exhibiting positive behaviors. • Communicating with families about in-class and online behavior. • Using Precision Requests • Using Differential Reinforcement
Explicitly Teaching Rules & Routines
Reinforcing Positive Behavior
Systematically Correcting Behavioral Errors
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