BHS 11th Grade ELA

INSTRUCTIONAL PRIORITIES FOR BEHAVIOR High Yielding Strategies to increase Student Achievement and Engagement

Effect Size


Critical Actions for Educators

*Create a supportive classroom. *Clearly identify behavior expectations and explicitly teach them to your students. *Implement reinforcement system for appropriate behavior and routinely evaluate system for effectiveness. *Recognize students for positive behavior. *Systematically correct behavioral errors, beginning with teaching/re-teaching..

Classroom Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

0.68 1

* Communicate positive expectations. * Make positive connections with each of your students. * Positively reinforce students frequently for exhibiting appropriate behaviors. * Create a positive classroom climate.

Positive Teacher-Student Relationships

0.72 1

*Identify times and places that are most problematic. *Be visible and active. *Reinforce appropriate student behavior.

0.62 1

Active Supervision

*Track behavior data and look for trends. *Anticipate potential problem behaviors. *Determine what action will work to decrease the expected problem behavior. *Reinforce correct behaviors. *Be specific in your use of praise. *Respond positively to appropriate behavior immediately after it occurs. *Use a variety of positives.

0.83 3


High Ratio of Positive to Corrective Feedback

0.75 1

*Give polite, effective requests following the protocol. *Use preplanned, unpleasant consequences. *Stay calm. *Make sure to use appropriate wait time.

Precision Requests

*Select target behavior to be decreased and alternative behaviors to be taught and reinforced. *Determine a schedule of reinforcement for the alternative behavior and follow it. *Monitor the student’s performance. *Decrease the frequency of reinforcement as student’s behavior improves.

Differential Reinforcement

0.95 3

*Determine targeted behaviors and collect baseline data. *Teach targeted behavior and self-monitoring protocols. *Monitor progress; provide positive feedback and celebrate success. *Fade intervention as student masters the targeted behavior. *Select a contingency. *Set a criterion. *Choose the positive consequence (extra privilege or reward). *Give feedback.

0.97 3


1.02 3

Group Contingency

*Token economies are ideally paired with behavior contracts. *Tokens are paired with specific praise around desired behaviors. *Reinforcers need to be applied consistently when students are learning new behaviors, and gradually phased out as students acquire/master the specific behavior.

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Token Economy

De-escalation Strategy: Help, Prompt, Wait *Use calm body language and voice. *Allow appropriate wait time for compliance. *Praise appropriate behaviors. *Do not rush; de-escalation may take time. 1 Hattie, J. (2012). Visible learning for teachers: Maximizing impact on learning . New York, NY: Routledge. 3 Stage, S.A., & Quiroz, D.R. (1997). A meta-analysis of interventions to decrease disruptive classroom behavior in public education settings. School Psychology Review, 26 , 333-368.

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