BHS 11th Grade ELA

Glossary of Key Terms

Key Term



The sense of estrangement, or separation, from society or self, identifed in philosophy, the social sciences, and literature as a central feature of modern life.


An American social ideal that stresses social equality, social mobility, and material prosperity; the prosperity or life that is the realization of this ideal.


The loss of naïve faith or trust.


A narrative technique that allows a writer to present past events during current events, in order to provide background for the current narration. By giving material that occurred prior to the present event, the writer provides the reader with insight into a character’s motivation and or background to a confict. Flashbacks are often conveyed through narration, dream sequences, and memories presented of earlier conversation.


In literature, the use of hints about things to come in later plot developments. It can be obvious, or it may be subtler, involving the use of symbols that are connected to later turns in the plot.


A literary and cultural movement among black Americans that fourished from the early 1920s to the early 1930s and emphasized African heritage. Prominent literary fgures included Claude McKay, Jean Toomer, Countee Cullen, and Langston Hughes.


The process of converting to a socioeconomic order in which industry is dominant.


A term that refers to the host of young men who were killed in the First World War, as well as to the young men who survived but became adrift upon their return. The mood of the Lost Generation, refected by some American novelists of the time, was disenchantment and cynicism.

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