BHS 11th Grade ELA
A literary, artistic, and philosophical movement beginning in the second half of the late eighteenth century. Romanticism reacted against the extremes of rationalism by emphasizing strong emotion, irrationality, imagination, individuality, and aspects of life that cannot be determined or explained by science. a literary archetype referring to a character that rejects established norms and conventions, has been rejected by society, and has the self as the center of his or her own existence. [1] The Romantic hero is often the protagonist in the literary work and there is a primary focus on the character's thoughts rather than his or her actions
Reliance on one's own capabilities, judgment, or resources; independence
TRANSCENDENTALISM A literary and philosophical movement, associated with Ralph Waldo Emerson and Margaret Fuller, asserting the existence of an ideal spiritual reality that transcends the empirical and scientifc and is knowable through intuition.
An impractical, idealistic scheme for social and political reform.
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