BHS 11th Grade ELA
INSTRUCTIONAL HIERARCHY Effect Size 0.58 Implementation Tools & Resources
Acquisition, automaticity, and application are progressive stages of the instructional hierarchy. Each stage requires its own set of pedagogical approaches and assessment strategies. Learners follow predictable stages. To begin, the learner is usually uncertain and tentative as they try to use a new skill. With feedback and practice, the learner becomes increasingly accurate, then automatic (fluent), and confident in using the skill. Once fluency is obtained, the learner is now ready to be given opportunities to apply the skill in varied real-life experiences. Not all learners advance through these stages of instruction at the same pace. Some students need more time in the acquisition phase, while others will advance quickly to the application phase. Teachers utilize formal and informal assessments to help determine which phase learners are in. This feedback from students allows teachers to be agile in their instructional response in order to meet students’ needs.
Critical Actions for Educators * Explicitly teach a skill to students by explaining, demonstrating, and modeling. *Build the skill through practice and use, to gain automaticity. *Provide students with multiple opportunities to apply the skill. *Use the LEARN platform as a guide to select tools that best fit student tasks.
Accurate at Skill? • If no, teach skill. • If yes, move to automaticity.
Automatic at Skill? • If no, teach automaticity with • If yes, move to application.
Able to Apply Skill? • If no, teach application. • If yes, move to higher level/concept or repeat cycle with new knowledge.
increased practice.
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