BHS 11th Grade ELA

AP Language Extensions

Supplemental Texts

Benjamin Franklin, The Speech of Miss Polly Baker (1747) Thomas Paine, from Common Sense (1776) Excerpts from The Crisis Excerpts from The Age of Reason


The Myth of George Washington (See Conversations in American Literature Anthology compiled by Robin Dissin Aufses, Renee H. Shea, Lawrence Scanlon, and Kate Aufses)

The Infuence of Phyllis Wheatley (See Conversations in American Literature Anthology compiled by Robin Dissin Aufses, Renee H. Shea, Lawrence Scanlon, and Kate Aufses)

Rhetorical Analysis

1988 AP Language Prompt: Evaluate Alexis De Tocqueville’s assertions about democracy and aristocracy and his assertion that democracy “throws [man] back forever upon himself alone.”

1994 AP Prompt: From an excerpt of Sir George Savile’s essay about King Charles II (1630 – 1685), defne the attitude Savile would like us to adopt about Charles II and analyze the rhetorical strategies employed to promote that attitude.

2010 AP Prompt: Excerpt from letter from Benjamin Banneker, former slave, to Thomas Jefferson (1791). Write an essay that analyzes how Banneker uses rhetorical strategies to argue against slavery.

2011 Form B AP Language Prompt: Letter written by Samuel Johnson in response to a woman who had asked him to obtain the archbishop of Canterbury’s patronage to have her son sent to the university. Write an essay in which you analyze how Johnson crafts his denial of the woman’s request. 2014 AP Language Prompt: In a letter, Abigail Adams writes to her son John Quincy Adams, who is traveling abroad with his father, John Adams, a United States diplomat and later the country’s second president. In a well-developed essay, analyze the rhetorical strategies Adams uses to advise her son.

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