BHS 11th Grade ELA

Suggested Text Resources



Native American Myths “How the World was Made” retold by James Mooney “The Sky Tree retold by Joseph Bruchae (L. 770)* from The Iroquois Constitution - Dekanawida from The Life of Loaudah Equiano - Olaudah Equiano

About The Iroquois Constitution Informational article

Excerpts from “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” by Jonathan Edwards (L. 1110) The Myth: American Spectator Vol 41, No 1. Hasson, Kevin J. “Seamus” (L. 1140)

The Crucible - Arthur Miller The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne (L 1340)

Ethnic Confict Challenging the Myths: Current, Bowen, John R. (L 1370)

“Young Goodman Brown” - Nathaniel Hawthorne (L 1340)

A Puritan’s ‘War Against Religion’: Los Angeles Times, Barry, John M. (L 1240)

Historical Information: Joselit, Jenna Weissman. “The Free Air of the New World: The Protestant Immigrant Experience.” Immigration and American Religion. May 2001. n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. (L. 1360)

The Scarlet Letter Lives On, USA Today, Turley, Jonathan (L 1240)

Article on Arthur Miller and McCarthyism Hollywood Movie: The Crucible directed by Nicholas Hytner (L 1480)

Excellent resource to informational text on Salem Witch Trials (L 1050)

Short information text on the Salem Witch Trials with nice paintings: (L 1250)

CAUTION - * Indicates that the Lexile level of the text is below the recommended Lexile range for this grade level.

John Winthrop, City Upon a Hill, (L 1630) https: www.mtholyoke.ledu/acad/intrel/winthrop.htm (L2590)

From La Relacion by Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca (L 820)*

On Plymouth Plantation - William Bradford (L 1340)

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