BHS 11th Grade ELA

Introduction: How to Use This Map Year-at-a-glance The year-at-a-glance is a quick reference guide on ​ each ​ unit to assist in big-picture mapping; see the detailed unit maps for specific information. Pacing Each unit has a length in weeks to guide your pacing. Teachers are expected to follow this pacing, ​ plus or minus a week ​ . Theme and Each unit has a theme, an essential question, and a writing focus. All content should be tied to the questions. List of Standards The list of standards indicates which standards are to be taught. In 12th grade, students should be achieving mastery in all of the standards. Vocabulary The vocubulary should be explicitly taught and students should be assessed for mastery of vocabulary. Resources List of resources provided after each unit are ​ suggested ​ but may not be approved for your school in particular. These resources are not required to be taught, they are for your use with approval from your administration. Senior Research Project Students will complete a Senior Research Project on a topic of their choice. Teachers may teach all of the Senior Project in the second semester or spread the project out over the entire year. The writing task must be done in third quarter and the oral presentation must be done in fourth quarter. Essential Question

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