BHS 11th Grade ELA
Canyons School District
Special Education Department
Secondary ELA & Special Education Implementation Tools & Resources Special Education Website (Weebly)
Critical Actions for Educators .………………………... ● Determine that your IEP is aligned to Utah Core Standards: Present Levels, Goals, Services
Special Education is used to support students through Individualized Education Plans in order to access the General Education Core Standards. ELA: THe Utah Core Standards for ELA Practice : are included to provide a reference of your grade-level standards in Reading Literature and Information texts, Language Conventions, Writing, and Speaking and Listening. These standards are included in grade-level bands (6, 7-8,9-10, 11-12 ) and offer a focus for instruction to help ensure that students gain adequate mastery of a range of skills and applications. Utah Core Standards Alignment and IEP goals . Standards based IEP goals are written with the use of the core standards. Case managers align students' current abilities on the continuum of standards and address the needs required to close the educational gap. Reasonable individual gains are considered when writing a one year IEP goal. Special Education teachers may use off-grade level core standards in order to close identified educational gaps. Within each strand are standards. A standard represents a fundamental element of learning that is expected. While some standards within a strand may be more comprehensive than others, all standards are necessary for mastery. Essential Elements The Essential Elements (EEs) are “specific statements and skills linked to the grade-level expectations identified in college-and-career-readiness standards” (Dynamic Learning Maps [DLM] DLM ). They are the “big rocks” of the Utah Core Standards. Each Essential Element has a respective learning map with linkage levels that identify basic skills within the standard to set an appropriate challenge for students with significant cognitive disabilities, no matter their ability level. General education teachers, in conjunction with special education teachers, must consider which scaffolds are needed to differentiate, accommodate, or modify the learning for all students in order to master core standards. Differentiation of Instruction Typically, differentiation of instruction is the process of teaching in a way to meet the needs of students with differing abilities in the same class. One way to do this is by providing several different avenues by which all students can learn the same material. In differentiating instruction, teachers plan out and
● Use Reading Inventory to determine possible
placement in Read 180/System 44
● Collaborate to best support students
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