BHS 11th Grade ELA
Secondary ELA Unfinished Learning Supports
Why unfinished learning? ● Instruction in the time of Covid- During distance learning, all standards could not be addressed and student mastery of standards may not meet proficiency levels. Assessing student mastery and planning instruction for unfinished learning is important to fill the gaps in student learning. ● In the curriculum maps, there are several resources that will help you identify which standards have the most likelihood of being unfinished learning for students. Standards by Unit ● Each grade level map contains a document that identifies which standards are taught in each unit. Review the units covered during distance learning. Identify standards where learning should be assessed. Those documents can also be accessed here . Vertical Alignment of the Standards ● Also in the map is a document that identifies what is new to the standards at each grade level. Review the standards that were new for students in the previous grade. Notice if those standards were taught in the unit(s) during distance learning. Assess student mastery of those standards. That document may be accessed here as well. Teaching for Unfinished Learning ● As many of the ELA standards spiral, it is important to note the element of the standard that was specific to the previous grade and assess mastery of that part of the standard. ● Example: RI.6.4- Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings . Seventh grade teachers would need to assure student mastery of figurative, connotative, and technical meanings before teaching RI.7.4- Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone. ● If data shows that more than 20% of the students in your class have unfinished learning, the first course of action is whole group instruction. If data shows less than 20% of students have unfinished learning, small-group instruction is needed. ● Determine if the unfinished learning is approaching mastery. If so, a review may be all that is needed to finish the learning. If students are not approaching mastery of the unfinished learning, explicit instruction may be necessary.
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