BHS 11th Grade ELA

Canyons School District

Instructional Supports Department

SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL LEARNING The ability to understand and manage emotion, empathize with others and establish positive, caring relationships, the capability to make responsible decisions and the power to set and achieve sensible goals

Additional Resources

Understanding differences that gifted and talented students may exhibit is necessary for educators. A focus on social emotional learning can foster development in the areas of “asynchrony, overexcitabilities, perfectionism, twice-exceptionality and underachievement.” (NAGC, 2020). Pairing these five areas of growth with social emotional learning cultivates the skills necessary for real-world success. Social emotional learning entails relationship skills, social awareness, self-awareness, self-management and responsible decision making. (CASEL, 2020).

Critical Actions for Educators

● Understand the unique needs of gifted and talented students ● Teach a variety of evidence based coping skills ● Model a growth mindset ● Support social emotional learning through the use of curriculum ● Provide opportunities for discussion around SE learning ● Create a safe climate for social emotional learning with an emphasis on relationships ● Utilize a trauma informed lenses when planning for blended learning

● Relationships- communication, team work ● Responsible decision making- problem solving, evaluation ● Self awareness- recognition of emotion, self efficacy ● Self management- impulse control, goal setting ● Social awareness- empathy, respect of others

Asynchrony occurs when certain skills develop at a different rate and uneven abilities are created. This circumstance can lead to a unique learner. Overexcitabilities are intensities or heightened awareness in one or more of the following areas: intellectual, imaginational, sensual, emotional or psychomotor. Students are empowered to manage these intensities when specific coping strategies are taught and modeled. (Utah’s Gifted and Talented, 2017). Perfectionism, higher than average standards, can be positive or negative. Educators have the opportunity to model a growth mindset and show students how to handle imperfection. Working with twice exceptional students is a way to hone best practice and understand a student’s needs and build upon their strengths. Twice exceptional students have been identified as gifted and have a disability. The need to support through interventions and possibly accommodations should be individualized. Underachievement is most often situational, and shows inconsistency from ability to task performance. Educators that work to understand and authentically know the student find the most success. (Utah’s Gifted and Talented, 2017).

Student Outcomes

Understand and manage emotion

Show empathy and respect

Establish relationships

Make responsible decisions

Set and achieve real world goals

Collaborate as a team member

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