BHS 11th Grade ELA

11th Grade ELA1
Common Pages2
Purpose of Curriculum Maps2
BHS Calendar3
Academic Framework4
Instructional Priorities Overview6
Academic Instructional Priorities7
Instructional Agility8
Teacher Clarity9
Explicit Instruction13
Instructional Hierarchy14
Structured Classroom Discussion16
Systematic Vocabulary Instruction20
Opportunities to Respond21
Scaffolding & Grouping24
Behavior Instructional Priorities26
Classroom PBIS27
Positive Teacher-Student Relationships30
Active Supervision31
Positive to Corrective Feedback33
Precision Requests34
Differential Reinforcement35
Group Contingency37
Token Economy38
Social Emotional Learning40
School Connect Curriculum42
Restorative Practices43
Relationships and Connection Activities44
Listening Skills45
Affective Statements46
Proactive Circles47
Inclusive Decision Making48
Digital Teaching & Learning49
Best Practices in DTL50
Essential Vocabulary52
TPACK Framework53
Synchromous vs Asynchronous55
Canvas Style Guide57
DTL Resources58
Who to Contact59
Acronyms & Key Terms60
Assessment System67
Lesson Planning71
Assessment Calendar70
Webb’s DOK74
Best Practices in Grading79
Homework Guidelines82
Special Education83
English Language Development84
Advanced Learners96
Intro to SALTA97
Instructional Framework97
Performance Standards99
Depth & Complexity100
Curriculum Compacting102
ELA Practices103
Best Practices in ELA103
Special Education Supports107
Standards and Curriculum Map110
Introduction: How to Use This Map110
Standards Overview111
Year at a Glance112
Unit 1: The New World/Colonization114
Unit 2: A New Nation125
Unit 3: American Romanticism137
Unit 4: A Troubled Young Nation150
Unit 5: Emerging Modernism161
Unit 6: Challenges & Successes of the 20th Century172
Vertical Alignment of Standards183
Intersections of the Standards198
District Wide Standards Based Assessments201
DWSBA Rubric203
Disciplinary Literacy213
Close Reading Routine218
Accessing Text222
Text Complexity223
Writing Text Dependent Questions228
Secondary Literacy Block233
Novel Approval236

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