BHS 10th Grade ELA
situation. Precise language: Vocabulary of specifc nouns and vivid verbs to help create mental pictures and avoid wordiness. Quotations: Something a person says or writes that is repeated or used by someone else in another piece of writing or a speech. The act of using quotations in a piece of writing or a speech Revenge: To avenge usually by retaliating in kind or degree. Rhetoric: The art of using language effectively, especially for persuasion, in speaking or writing, especially in oratory. Three rhetorical appeals or strategies: Ethos —Ethical appeal based on the character of the speaker, the speaker’s credibility. Pathos —Appeal to emotion. Logos —Appeal to logic or reason. Theme: A topic of discussion or writing; a major idea or proposition broad enough to cover the entire scope of a literary or other work of art. A theme may be stated or implied, but clues about the theme may be found in the ideas that are given special prominence or tend to recur in a work. Transition: A connection between two parts of a piece of writing, bridging one idea to another and creating cohesion. Rhetorical Question: A question asked for effect, not requiring an answer Subjective: Based on or infuenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.
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