Albion Faculty Manual 2019-2020

FEES AND FEE WAIVERS § Only board-approved fees may be charged. § Parents were able to pay school fees during the online registration process. If you want a list of students who have paid, Karen can print one for you. § Check with the main office if a student fee waiver is in question – please don’t ask a student. It is the parent who applies for a fee waiver and often the student does not know their status. FIELD TRIPS • Fill out a field trip form and submit it to Justin at least 6 weeks prior to the field trip so there is time to get the date on the calendar, order the buses on time, and avoid a late fee. • Read and follow all of the information at the top of the field trip form. • Field Trips cannot be scheduled on Fridays. All Albion forms can be downloaded from under the “Faculty/Staff” menu. They are also available in the faculty lounge by the mailboxes.

Due to Justin at least 6 weeks prior to the Field Trip



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