Albion Faculty Manual 2019-2020
FIXED ASSET INVENTORY • Do not move any inventoried item to or from your room UNTIL you have done the paperwork. See Karen prior to making any changes to your classroom furniture/accessory inventory. • For surplus, see Karen in the main office. GRADING POLICY Albion 2019-2020 Grading Policy
Keeping Current
Work needs to be graded and recorded each week. No assignment should go unrecorded for longer than a week. (Rare cases: If a particular item is going to take you longer than a week to grade, go through and see who didn’t turn it in, and give them zero/missing on Skyward; update as needed.) Grades will consist of 80% Assessments/20% Practice [The 80% can be broken up as long as it’s still assessment (e.g., 50% Tests, 30% Quizzes)]
The Asterisk * The asterisk is Skyward’s default symbol. It signifies that the practice/assessment has been assigned, is due by the date posted, and has not yet been graded by the teacher . It does not indicate whether an assignment is missing or not. Missing Work If a practice/assessment is missing, there should be a 0 (zero) in the score cell on Skyward, and the Missing box should be checked.
Late-work Deadlines
Teachers will use their own judgment in deciding what to do with work that comes in late. (i.e. Deadline after one week? Deadline by the end of the unit?) For Assessments: Retakes must be given for full credit and should require evidence of additional study or learning. (e.g., successful completion of missing work). Teachers will use their own discretion in deciding how many retakes will be allowed per assessment. For Practice: Retakes are not required. Teachers will use their own discretion in giving students the opportunity to redo a practice assignment. For Assessments: Teachers will change any 0 to 50% of the points possible. For Practice: Teachers will leave it as a 0 and Missing, or simply excuse it.
End of Grading Period
Whatever your specific policies are, it is expected that all policies and procedures are clearly articulated to parents and students at the beginning of the year and periodically throughout the year, and are spelled out on your Canvas Page. Consistency is absolutely critical, and policies should be in alignment with your team and curriculum partner. Simplicity is always best.
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