Albion Faculty Manual 2019-2020
This interactive map is a product of Canyons School District. Open and start reading right away!
CSD Instructional Priorities CSIP Goals • Literacy • Numeracy • School Climate
Emergency Lesson Plans Emergency Response Employee Identification Numbers Faculty Dues Fees and Fee Waivers Field Trips Fixed Asset Inventory Grading Policy Hall Duty Hall Passes Homework Lunch (HoWL) KIVA and Commons Use Purchasing Protocols Supply Request Form Purchase Order Form Reimbursement Form Staff Checkout Protocol Student Recognition Programs Who To Ask Work Hours and Days Off Knight of the Day Legislative Money Lunch Information Mindfulness
Teacher Schedules Citizenship Rubric Absence Reporting Announcement Form
AIM/HoWL Attendance Bell Schedule Building Access and Security Bus Duty Calendaring School Events CANVAS Standards Classroom Management and Student Discipline Classroom Discipline Flowchart Collaborative Time Structure Committee List – First Draft Communication Intra-building Communication Public Conference Rooms Custodial Work and Repairs Disclosure Statement
Albion Middle School CSIP Academic Goal #1 2019-2020 Each student will increase their Reading Inventory Lexile score by the “Annual Expected Growth” from fall to spring.
Our current performance : • Spring 2019 RI, 77% of our students reached proficiency. • 42% of 6 th graders, 46% of 7 th graders, and 50% of 8 th graders did not reach Annual Expected Growth.
Literacy Strategies to improve reading skills so that students have the capacity to understand the challenges posed by complex texts in all content areas.
• Common Text Annotation • Explicit Vocabulary Instruction
• Teacher Clarity including Standards-based Learning Intentions
• Standards-based Close Reading • Cornell Notes
• Structured Classroom Discussion
Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours. John Locke
Albion Middle School CSIP Academic Goal #2 2019-2020 Each student will increase their Math Inventory score by the “Annual Expected Growth” from fall to spring.
Our current performance : • Spring 2019 MI, 66% of our students reached proficiency. • 40% of 6 th graders, 16% of 7 th graders, and 44% of 8 th graders did not reach Annual Expected Growth.
Numeracy Strategies to improve math skills so that students have the capacity to understand the challenges posed by solving complex problems.
• Explicit Vocabulary Instruction
• Teacher Clarity including Standards-based Learning Intentions
• Common Text Annotation for Math
• Standards-based Close Reading Strategies for Math
• Structured Classroom Discussion
• Illustrative Math
Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours. John Locke
Albion Middle School CSIP School Climate Goal 2019-2020 The percentage of students on track for “Quarterly GPA” (percentage of students with a GPA of 2.5 or higher) will increase from 86% to 91% by the end of the school year.
Our current performance : • At the end of the 2019 school year, 85% of our students were on track for GPA.
Support and Skills Students will take ownership and find meaning in their education through active learning.
• Accountability, Intervention, Mastery (AIM)
• Homework Lunch (HoWL)
• Mindfulness • Goal-setting
• Restorative Practices
• Executive Function Skills
Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours. John Locke
Albion Middle School 2019-20 Teacher Schedule
Lunch Teacher
Team SEM Room
ELA Kourianos, StephanieC 6 Christianson, Cory E 6
1 1 1 2 2 1 2
M onson, Chamane
C 7
Larson, Lacee E 7 Nasser, Stephanie C 8
Hall, Erica
E 8
Social Studies Keddington, Alison
C 6
104 PREP SS 6 SS 6 SS 6 SS 6 SS 6 105 PREP SS 6 SS 6 SS 6 SS 6 SS 6
Holyoak, Robyn E 6
C 7 1 502 Utah Studies 7Utah Studies 7Utah Studies 7Utah Studies 7
Knighton, Kate
Utah Studies 7
2 Knighton, Kate E 7 2 502 Utah Studies 7Utah Studies 7Utah Studies 7Utah Studies 7 PREP
Utah Studies 7
Maxfield, Dallin C 8 Ellingson, Eden E 8
602 US History 8 US History 8 US History 8 PREP
US History 8 US History 8
P 1 US History 8 US History 8 US History 8
US History 8 US History 8
1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1
Elkins, Emalee C 6 Rudes, Nicole E 6
103 Math 6 PREP Math 6 Math 6 Math 6 Math 6 201 Math 6 PREP Math 6 Math 6 Math 6 Math 6 505 Math 7 Math 7 PREP Math 7 Math 7 Math 7A 501 Math 7A Math 7 PREP Math 7 Math 7A Math 7 601 Math 8A Math 8 PREP Math 8 Math 8 Math 8A P 2 Math 8 Math 8A PREP Math 8A Math 8 Math 8
Simao, Mary
C 7
Croshaw, Dan E 7 Wale, Joseph C 8
Olsen, Amy
E 8
C 6
Vamvakias, Phoenix
Drozd, Nathan E 6 Johnson, Barry C 7
303 PREP 306 PREP
Science 7 Science 7 Science 7 Science 7 Science 7 Science 7 Science 7 Science 7 Science 7 Science 7
E 7
Sidesinger, Denise
Timothy, Mindy C 8
302 Science 8 PREP 305 Science 8 PREP
Science 8 Science 8 Science 8 Science 8 Science 8 Science 8 Science 8 Science 8
Evert, Tracy
E 8
Gordon, Christy E 8
Steele, Kaitlyn E 6
E 7 6th 701 Electives MATH 6 ACC
Reading PE 7/8
Albion Middle School 2019-20 Teacher Schedule
Lunch Teacher
Team SEM Room 1
Asp, Steven
1 204 Ex Tech Digital Lit Digital Lit Digital Lit PREP
Digital Lit
Digital Lit Digital Lit Digital Lit Ex Tech Digital Lit
Brown, Emalee
1 605 CCA Wheel PREP
McLean, Elisa
CCA Wheel
Perkins, Jenni (Jazz Band AM) Rowley, Taylor
801 Symphonic PREP
Orchestra Band 1 Band 1 Band 2
1 802 Concert Art Wheel Mixed Choir Art Wheel PREP Concert 2 Choir Art Wheel PREP Art Wheel Mixed Choir Choir
Jones, Chelsea
1 205 2D ART Art Wheel 2D ART Art Wheel PREP STUDIO 2 2D ART Art Wheel 2D ART Art Wheel PREP 2D ART
Crandall, Seth
1 206
PE/Health & Dance
Harris, Brooke E 7 1 504 PREP
Health 7 Health 7 Health 7 Health 7 Health 7 C 7 2 504 Health 7 Health 7 Health 7 Health 7 Health 7 PREP 1 GYM Fitness 6 PE 7/8 Fitness 6 PREP PE 7/8 Fitness 6 2 Fitness 6 PE 7/8 Fitness 6 PREP PE 7/8 Fitness 6 1 GYM Fitness 6 PE 7/8 PE 7/8 PREP PE 7/8 Fitness 6 2 Fitness 6 PE 7/8 PE 7/8 PREP PE 7/8 Fitness 6
Foster, Nathan
Brinkman, Mason
1 1
Waugh, Sofia
1 2
Art Wheel Dance 1 Art Wheel Dance 2 Social Dance Art Wheel Dance 2 Art Wheel PREP Dance 1
Other Classes Coates, Emma
1 404 Debate Art Wheel PREP
Art Wheel Debate Cr Writing Art Wheel PREP Debate
Art Wheel Cr Writing
Cr Writing
Jolley, Jennifer
304 Spanish 1 Spanish 2 Spanish 1 Spanish 1 PREP
Work Habits / Citizenship Grading Rubric
Needs Improvement
98%-100% of classwork the student completes and submits on time, including make-up work after being absent.
90% - 97% of classwork the student completes and submits on time, including make-up work after being absent.
80% - 89% of classwork the student completes and submits on time, including make-up work after being absent.
Less than 80% of classwork the student completes and submits on time, including make-up work after being absent. Student does not treat others with respect, either peers and/or adults. Student does not use appropriate language skills in class (what you say, how you say it, and, where and when you say it). Student does not work well with others by sharing ideas and workload and/or addressing conflict appropriately.
Student treats others with respect, both peers and adults.
Student usually treats others with respect, but has needed several reminders.
Student uses appropriate language skills in class (what you say, how you say it, and, where and when you say it).
Student may not consistently use
appropriate language skills in class (what you say, how you say it, and, where and when you say it).
Student works well with others by sharing ideas and workload and addressing conflict appropriately.
Student usually works well with others by sharing ideas and workload and/or addressing conflict appropriately, but has needed several reminders.
Student arrives to class with materials on time, every day.
Student arrives to class on time, prepared with materials for class with 1-2 tardies.
Student has 3 tardies.
Student has 4 or more tardies.
Student is able to remain on-task throughout class activities without teacher redirection. Student is emotionally self-regulated; the student is able to adjust to their surroundings using appropriate social skills.
Student needs reminders to remain on-task.
Student requires daily teacher redirection throughout class.
Student may not be emotionally self-regulated; the student is unable to adjust to their surroundings using appropriate social skills.
Student is not emotionally
self-regulated; the student is unable to adjust to their surroundings using appropriate social skills.
___________ x 3
___________ x 2
___________ x 1
___________ x 0
G RADING K EY 14-15 points = H 8-14 = S 5-7 = N 0-4 = U
• In the “Absence Management” box click “Sign In” • Enter your “ID or Username” and “Pin or Password” • Click “Home” and then “Create Absence” • Enter information: o Date o Absence Reason (i.e. Alternative, Excused, Family Sick, Personal, Sick, etc.) o Time (i.e. Full Day or Half Day AM or Half Day PM) • Enter “Notes to Administrator” (If “Excused Absence” enter the sub code here. If for “Bereavement” enter the relationship here.)
• Enter “Notes to Substitute” • Attach files/substitute plans • Click “Create Absence” or “Create Absence & Assign Sub”
o “Create Absence” = Frontline will find a substitute for you o “Create Absence & Assign Sub” = You have spoken with the substitute and you will assign them directly • Once you have clicked “Create Absence” or “Create Absence & Assign Sub”, your substitute request has been submitted
ALBION'ANNOUNCEMENT'FORM' Group/Person!requesting!announcement:!!_____________________________________________________! Write'out'the'announceme t'the'way'you'want'it'read.' Please!include!the!name,!date,! time,!and!location!of!the!event.!Please!keep!announcements!as!short!as!possible.!
Please!announce!on!the!following!date(s)!!_________________________________________________________! *Announcements!must!be!turned!in!to!the!attendance!office!announcement!basket!by!3:00 pm!the!day!before!the!announcement!needs!to!be!made!(no!emails).!! 7/22/14! "MM "MCJPO GPSNT DBO CF EPXOMPBEFE GSPN BMCJPONJEEMF DPN VOEFS UIF 'BDVMUZ 4UBGG NFOV 5IFZ BSF BMTP BWBJMBCMF JO UIF GBDVMUZ MPVOHF CZ UIF NBJMCPYFT
A ccountability, I ntervention, M astery AIM for Success!
ACCOUNTABILITY For students who need more TIME to be successful: • Missing Assignments? § NO? Nothing needed here! § YES? More time needed=HoWL • Repeat as often as necessary For students who need help with EXECUTIVE FUNCTION skills • Organization • Time management • Prioritizing tasks • Pacing • Goal-setting
INTERVENTION For students who need more HELP to be successful: • Not meeting academic standard?
o Identify and state the standard not being met from assigned work. • Describe how the student is not able to meet the standard: o KNOW Lack of knowledge? Build the knowledge base. • Background knowledge • Access prior knowledge o DO Lack of skill? Build the skill base. • Reteach • Provide practice • Support with scaffolds • Prescribe and describe interventions that will be implemented.
Reteach More practice ïï Scaffold ðð Accommodate Modify
“Children who are praised for “being smart” often believe that every encounter is a test of whether they really are. So to avoid looking dumb, they resist new challenges and choose the easiest path. By contrast, kids who understand that effort and hard work lead to mastery and growth are more willing to take on new, difficult tasks.” ― Daniel H. Pink, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
A ccountability, I ntervention, M astery AIM for Success! WHEN STUDENTS NEED MORE HELP TO BE SUCCESSFUL:
INTERVENTION • For students who need more HELP to be successful • Not meeting academic standard?
o Identify and state the standard not being met from assigned work. • Describe how the student is not able to meet the standard: o Lack of knowledge? Build the knowledge base. o Lack of skill? Build the skill base. 1. Reteach 2. Provide practice 3. Support with scaffolds • Prescribe and describe interventions that will be implemented. o Communicate prescription and description with interventionist
o Communicate to parent the need for intervention o Document when the intervention is scheduled o Document how often intervention is needed o Document effectiveness of intervention o Document outcome of intervention
• Evaluate intervention outcome:
o Successful? Continue to monitor for success. o Unsuccessful? Use another intervention mode and repeat cycle of Prescribe and describe. § Continued unsuccessful intervention with the student – refer to SST for consideration of evaluation for specialized instruction or other intervention.
ATTENDANCE 1. Take attendance within the first 10 minutes of each class. This allows us to make sure all students are safely in class. It also allows us to immediately address students who are missing, sluffing, or posing a risk to themselves or others. 2. Attendance records are legal documents. We use them to send attendance letters to parents and to sometimes refer students and parents to the court. Please make sure there are no mistakes. Do not have students input attendance information. 3. If there are attendance discrepancies, Erika Larson will ask you to clear those up with this form:
4. Skyward will send alerts for attendance not taken. 5. Attendance referrals for communication about attendance concerns are provided for your use.
1 st 2 nd 3 rd
Period Period Period
7:55 9:08
59 59 59 30 59 59 30 59 60 45 45 45 30 45 45 30 45 45
10:07 11:10 11:40 12:43 12:13 12:43
10:11 11:10 11:44 11:14 12:13 12:47
4 th 4 th
Period A Period B
5 th 6 th
Period Period
1:46 2:50
1 st 2 nd 3 rd
Period Period Period
10:15 11:04 11:53 12:23
10:19 11:08 11:53 12:27 11:57 12:42
4 th 4 th
Period A Period B
12:42 1:12
5 th 6 th
Period Period
1:16 2:05
2:01 2:50
BUILDING ACCESS AND SECURITY § Do not allow students to use school keys. § Report lost keys and ID badges to Justin immediately. § Building hours: 6:15 A.M. to 10 P.M. This is when we have a custodian here. § Teacher ID badges work on the electronic doors from 6:15 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. during the school year. Make sure you regularly scan your ID card on a card reader. Your card will inactivate if not used for 30 days. § Make sure all events, including after-hours events, are scheduled on the Albion Faculty Calendar in Outlook. Send all events to Justin for approval and placement on the calendar. Justin will have the doors scheduled to open for your event. BUS DUTY All teachers will be assigned weekly after school bus duty. You will be notified by calendar invite reminding you of your week for bus duty. At the 2:50 bell, sweep the hall in your area and then report to the west entrance of the building. Supervise the front of the building until all busses have left the school property (approximately 3:05). CALENDARING SCHOOL EVENTS - Justin • All meetings, activities, rehearsals, practices, field trips, programs, etc. must be scheduled on the Outlook calendar with Justin as early as possible. Simply send Justin an email with the following information: o Name of event o Date o Start and end time o Location(s) o Any additional notes o Post to Albion’s website? yes/no • Let Justin know whenever you change a calendar date or time so he can adjust it in Outlook. • Use field trip guidelines and form. • Bus scheduling must be calendared. See Justin to clear the date before scheduling the bus. • Bus requests must be submitted to Karen 20 school days prior to the activity. • Activity excusal form/procedures - MUST BE SIGNED BY A VP. • Once signed by a VP, the form must be given to Erika in the Attendance Office. • 3-day notice is MANDATORY . Otherwise, the activity will be cancelled. • If your class is not in your room please leave a sign on your door and let the office know. We have to be able to quickly locate students every period of the day.
Logging Student Information in Dashboard
Tracking student discipline will now happen in the Discipline section of Dashboard. What is recorded here? Anything a student does that is disruptive to your classroom, class proceedings, or interferes with learning that would be important to track (is this a pattern for the student? Is there another issue going on with the student? etc.). The Discipline Flowchart will be a helpful reference when deciding what to record. The recording system is for anything you decide is important to keep track of for that student.
There are two categories you may enter: Minor Incident or Office Referral. Minor Incidents are those that are classroom managed (see Discipline Flowchart). Office Referrals are for chronic Minor Incidents (more than three recorded in Dashboard), or office managed incidents. Your administrators are notified via email when an Office Referral is completed.
Log into Dashboard : firstname.lastname and then your password. Click on the Discipline tab and then the “add” icon:
When filling out the narrative on what happened it is critical to include factual information – err on the side of more, rather than less, information.
Observed Problem Behavior Teacher Privately Observes and Documents Behavior, Conferences/Counsels Student, Requests Observation, or, Sends Office Notification
Classroom Consequence
Office Referral
Is behavior office managed?
• Chronic behavior more than 3? • Document parent contact • Team conference suggested • Office referral for school- mandated intervention with the goal of student gaining skills to correct behavior and not repeat inappropriate behavior Teacher keeps log of student behavior in Dashboard
Classroom Managed
Office Managed
Administrator provides feedback to parent, student, and teacher Administrator follows through on consequence Administrator determines consequence
• • • Preparedness Calling out Classroom disruption • Initial refusal to follow a reasonable request/procedure • Put downs/name calling • Inappropriate tone/attitude • Inappropriate comments • Food/drink/gum • Cheating/plagiarism • Doing nothing/passive resistance • Does not complete assignments • Cell phone/electronic device (sent to office) • Phone/electronic device
• • • • • • • • • • • • • Bullying/harassment Fighting Gang-related Weapons Aggressive behavior Thrown object Theft Vandalism Drugs/alcohol, tobacco Arson Truancy Forgery Severe or ongoing insubordination • Foul language directed to student/staff • Inappropriate media • Dress code • Chronic, unresolved student behavior
Classroom Managed Incidents: when the student does not respond to preventive instruction, re-direction, or verbal warning: 1. Direct contact with parents (phone/email), when chronic, you may arrange a teammeeting with parent; 2. log in Dashboard, AND ; 3. take immediate concrete action to correct behavior (logical class consequence, contract, team conference, team-parent conference). Tardy Policy • A general guideline for excessive tardies is more than 3 in one class during any grading term. If tardies have become excessive, contact parents and submit a referral in Dashboard.
COLLABORATIVE TIME STRUCTURE WHAT: Instructional professional learning communities (IPLC): Collaborative meeting to problem-solve and plan using current classroom and/or district data. • Specific meeting protocols may be developed by individual school BLT or MTSS teams. • Agendas and norms are followed and minutes are recorded (Google docs). • Educators bring data to be discussed (student work samples, CFAs, observations). • Problem-solving results in action steps. WHY: Team planning time intentionally increases the application of evidence-based instructional priorities and standards for instruction. Data is used to design instructional adjustments needed to ensure success for all students and plan for increasing the intensity of core scaffolds for student success. WHO: All teachers are expected to actively participate in the problem-solving process with like teams (grade, subject, common students, etc.). WHEN: Once a week during planning time, teachers are expected to meet with either their content partner or their team. This time is structured in time and format to allow coaching and administrative support. Documentation of this time is to be used as part of your CTESS evaluation. As part of Late Start, teachers meet with teams as directed by the administration and BLT. Some, but not all, Late Start time may also be used for professional learning as directed by the CSIP, BLT, and administration. With the goal of clear, timely and transparent communication, faculty meetings are to be held at the principal’s discretion. All meetings are to have minutes taken to be distributed as needed for CTESS, LandTrust, or other purposes as directed by the administration. Theses should include participants, agenda items, and next steps/action items.
Intramurals Admin: Justin Matagi Chair: Nate Foster Joe Wale Mason Brinkman Lacee Larson Emalee Brown Denise Sidesinger Kate Knighton Seth Crandall Lego League Chair: Barry Johnson Math Counts Chair: Emalee Elkins Musical Chair: Jenni Perkins Alison Keddington
Safe School/Risk Management Admin: Sandy LeCheminant Sam Bozo-Cid Tracy Evert Nate Drozd Jennett Apgood School Advisory Committee (SAC) Admin: Molly Hart Mindy Timothy Denise Sidesinger Justin Matagi Karen Payne Cathy Nelson School Community Council Molly Hart Sandy LeCheminant Mary Simao Stephanie Nasser Student Body Officers (SBO’s)
Cathy Nelson Reagan Jewell Battle of the Books (1 teacher per grade) Chair: Bridget Rees Jennifer Jolley Book Club
Chair: Bridget Rees Chamane Monson Amy Olsen Building Leadership Team Chair: Molly Hart Robyn Holyoak Alison Keddington Christy Gordon Amy Olsen Barry Johnson
Taylor Rowley Emalee Brown Sofia Waugh National Junior Honor Society Admin: Molly Hart Chair: Erica Hall Alison Keddington Dan Croshaw Mary Simao Molly Hart Robyn Holyoak Christy Gordon Amy Olsen Jenni Perkins Mindy Timothy Tracy Evert Denise Sidesinger PTSA Admin: Sandy LeCheminant Lacee Larson Noble Knights Admin: Matagi Chair: Amy Olsen
Mary Simao Lacee Larson Tracy Evert Stephanie Nasser Cathy Nelson Bridget Rees Chelsea Jones Girls on the Run Chair: Lauren Nielson Mary Simao Kate Knighton Brooke Harris Amy Olsen Sofia Waugh Harry Potter Chair: Emma Coates Amy Olsen
Admin: Justin Matagi Chair: Emalee Brown Kate Knighton Student Recognition Assemblies Chair: Jenni Perkins Robyn Holyoak
Mary Simao Tracy Evert Stephanie Nasser Nate Foster
Sunshine Committee Admin: Justin Matagi
Christy Gordon Taylor Rowley Jenni Perkins Nate Drozd Emma Coates Chamane Monson Eden Ellingson Technology Committee Chair: Molly Hart Bridget Rees–Digital Citizenship Coord. Alison Keddington Barry Johnson
Kate Knighton Elisa McLean Dallin Maxfield Sofia Waugh
COMMUNICATION (INTRA-BLDG) • Teachers are expected to check the Outlook Calendar at least once a day. • Email will be used as much as possible to convey information. Teachers are expected to check their email at least twice a day . • The main Faculty Calendar is found in Outlook. • Outlook may be accessed through the web at or on your desktop. If you have the Outlook icon in your dock you will have to add the calendar if you have not already done so. • Calendars can be found at under the Calendars drop down menu. COMMUNICATION (PUBLIC) § Each teacher is expected to learn and use Skyward, CSDdocs, and Canvas according to district guidelines. § Each teacher is required to update grades in Skyward at least once a week . Teachers have one week to enter grades for assignments that are turned in late. § Be sure to update both your name and your voicemail greetings on your classroom phone. § An updated faculty phone list will be put in your box. § Teachers need to respond to emails and voicemails from parents within 1 school day. § If approached by the media regarding a school incident, refer to an administrator. Do not allow media access to students. § Please contact administration to publicize the accomplishments and activities of our students and faculty. How to Change Phone Greetings and Name from the Previous User: 1. Call the Canyons Help Desk (6-5544) and have them reset your phone. 2. Press the Menu button. Make sure you follow all the steps below to change all the necessary messages, as well as your name. 3. Select Features. 4. Select Messages. 5. Enter the temporary passcode (1234 is the default code for the reset). 6. Press 2 to change the greeting that is played when you are using the telephone (Busy Greeting). 7. Press 3 to change the greeting that is played when you aren’t in your classroom or when you are teaching (No Answer Greeting). 8. Press the * button. 9. Press option 3 and record your name. 10. Press 9 when complete and you will be disconnected. § Albion’s website: § Albion on Twitter: @AlbionMiddle
CONFERENCE ROOMS • Students are only allowed in conference rooms under the direct supervision of an adult. • Remember to keep the door and/or blinds open if you are ever working one-on-one with a student. CUSTODIAL WORK AND REPAIRS § NOTE: For non-emergency custodial work requests, simply send Sam an email: § NOTE: For emergency custodial work requests (e.g., vomit, blood, soda or ink on carpet, no power in room), simply call the main office using your phone and they will notify a custodian. • Please assist custodians and sweepers by having students pick up papers and debris in the classroom areas. Sweepers only have 90 minutes to clean 8 rooms each. § No food or drink, except water, in classrooms or Kiva (teachers included). § Make sure students do not draw on the desks. § Do not use tape on floors (tile or carpet) or painted surfaces in the building. § Posters, notices, and flyers can only be posted on bulletin boards, not on brick or other surfaces.
§ Use only the tack-boards for posting in your classroom. § Absolutely no microwaves or mini-fridges in classrooms.
Albion Middle School-wide Disclosure 2019-20 SCHOOL-WIDE BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS Albion Knights are PRROS: Prepared, Respectful, Responsible, On Time, and Safe (see attached rubric)
MONDAY-THURSDAY School begins at 7:50 AM and ends at 2:50 PM.
Students can be in the building from 7:20 AM - 3:00 PM. Students in the building after 3:00 PM must be under the supervision of an adult. Early arriving students will only be allowed in the foyer of the building prior to doors opening. FRIDAY School begins at 9:25 AM and ends at 2:50 PM Early student arrivals must stay in the commons until 9:10 AM. Students can be in the building from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. CANYONS DISTRICT ATTENDANCE POLICY AND ALBION PROCEDURES Frequent absences of students from the day to day classroom experiences disrupt the instructional process. The benefits of instruction, once lost, cannot be entirely regained. The process of education requires a continuity of instruction, class participation, learning experience, and study. (Canyons POLICY—500.35, also see Utah Compulsory Attendance Law 53A-11-101) When a student is absent from school for one or more periods, a parent or guardian should call the Attendance Office (801-826-6710) on the day of the absence stating the reason and duration. Students have the number of days absent for completion of make-up work in the case of valid excused absences (i.e. illness for three days allows for three days to makeup work). The school utilizes an automated calling system to notify parents of absences. In addition, all absences are recorded on the Skyward Student system. If a student will be out of town for three days or more, an Educational Leave form must be completed at least five days prior to the absence. When students are absent due to vacation release, make-up work is the sole responsibility of the student and parent, and will be provided upon request after return to school. Due to the fluid nature of classroom instruction, teachers are often not able to predict what will be assigned during the absence. TARDIES AND TRUANCY Tardies occur when a student is not on time to any one class period, meaning there are six opportunities to be tardy in a typical school day. "On time" is defined as being in your seat, ready to work when it is time for class to begin. Truancy: Middle schools in Canyons School District operate under a “closed campus” policy. Students are to remain on campus throughout the school day unless they have been properly checked out of school according to the procedures outlined below. Students are considered truant for the following reasons: x being absent from school for any portion of the school day (including lunch) without the consent of a parent, guardian, or school official
x leaving school without properly checking out through the attendance office x obtaining permission to go to a certain place but not reporting there x arriving more than 10 minutes late for a class x leaving class without permission
TO CHECK A STUDENT IN/OUT OR BRING ITEMS TO STUDENTS Albion teachers and staff would strongly prefer students to attend all day, every day, including special events. These events are carefully designed to develop school spirit, a sense of belonging, and exposure to important curricular and extracurricular activities. Before the student leaves the school, a parent, guardian or authorized
person must come to the Attendance Office with a photo ID to check the student out. No checkouts will be allowed after 2:35 p.m. without at least 15 minutes advanced notice. When checking a student out, please call at least 15 minutes ahead to avoid delay (or extended wait time). Items dropped off for students will be delivered between classes or at the discretion of the attendance office staff. CANYONS DISTRICT DRESS CODE POLICY Students who do not adhere to the dress code policy will be asked to change or call home for a change of clothing. Students shall not wear clothes that are mutilated, cut off, or immodest. (e.g., short shorts, mini-skirts, bare midriffs, halter-tops, spaghetti straps, tank shirts, or similar clothing). Clothing shall cover the midriff, underwear, backs, and cleavage at all times. Skirts, dresses and shorts must be at least mid-thigh length or longer when seated. Items which bear advertising, promotions, and likeness of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs or which are contrary to the educational mission, shall not be allowed. Hats of any kind are not allowed within the building except as part of an approved activity. (Canyons POLICY—500.2-8) The following conduct is defined as dangerous or disruptive and is prohibited on school property, at school- sponsored activities and while traveling in school-funded or school-dispatched vehicles: 1. Possession, control, or actual or threatened use of a real weapon, explosive, or noxious or flammable material; a. the actual or threatened use of a look alike weapon with intent to intimidate another person or to disrupt normal school activities; b. the sale, control, or distribution of a drug or controlled substance, an imitation substance, or drug paraphernalia; or c. an act involving force or threatened use of force which if committed would be a felony or class A misdemeanor 2. Frequent or flagrant willful disobedience, defiance of property authority, or disruptive behavior, including a. the use of foul, profane, vulgar, or abusive language; b. willful destruction or defacing of school property; c. behavior or threatened behavior which poses an immediate and significant threat to the welfare or safety of other students or school personnel or to the operation of the school; d. possession, control, or use of an alcoholic beverage; e. behavior that threatens harm to the school property, to a person associated with the school, or property associated with the person; f. or Possession of pornographic material on school property. 3. Students with prior knowledge of dangerous and disruptive behavior have the duty to report such behavior to school administration. Students that fail to report such behavior are subject to appropriate disciplinary sanctions. The Board of Education authorizes school administrators to take appropriate action to preserve order among the students and staff and to protect school property. Acts of harassment, cyberbullying, bullying, violence, use or possession of a weapon or facsimile, criminal behavior, and gang activity in or about district schools, property, or activities are dealt with in accordance to district policy and the law. STUDENT BEHAVIOR CODE - (Board Policy 500.2-3) AND HARASSMENT (Board Policy 500.2-7)
PERSONAL TECHNOLOGY POLICY Students may use personal technology during lunch and passing periods. If used inappropriately, it will be confiscated and turned into the office. After a first incident, the student may pick up the confiscated items at the end of the day. After a second incident, parents are responsible for pick-up. Repeated misuse of technology will result in a parent conference. Students may not use personal technology during class time unless directed by the teacher for a class learning activity. Cell phones must be kept on SILENT while in the building. Albion Middle School is not responsible for lost or stolen personal devices. Prohibited electronic device uses: x Exploit personal information x Disrupt and/or compromise the integrity of the educational process x Invade personal privacy x Use or post videos or pictures taken on school property or during school time without the person’s knowledge AND consent. USE OF SCHOOL TECHNOLOGY AND MATERIALS Student use of electronic information must be for education, academic research, and must be consistent with the educational objectives of Canyons School District. x Use computers only for teacher directed educational activities. x Report broken equipment to an adult immediately. x Report inappropriate use of computers or technology immediately. x No food or liquid near computers. Online textbooks will be provided in some classes for home use. Hardcopies of those textbooks may also be checked out from the media center upon availability. Fines will be assessed for lost or damaged materials.
COMMUNICATION Questions or concerns regarding your child’s academics or behavior, please call or email teachers directly. All emails can be found at Appointments can be scheduled before or after school and during team preps when time allows. Please do not approach teachers during school hours without a scheduled appointment as teachers are teaching and monitoring students. ACADEMIC GRADING Albion students receive two grades for each class: an academic grade and a Work Habits/Citizenship grade. The academic grade reports the mastery of academic standards and the Work Habits/Citizenship grade reflects student learning skills. Academic Grading consists of two main categories: Practice (20%) and Assessments (80%).
1. Practice assignments that develop and prepare for mastery may include: x In-class work including independent writing, group activities, labs, etc. x Participation in discussion, group activities, note taking, etc. x Homework 2. Assessments that demonstrate understanding or mastery of concepts may include: x Essays & Portfolios x Projects & Presentations x Quizzes & Tests
Assessment retakes are offered with the expectation that a student will complete or do missing work and/or additional assignments to practice or relearn the assessed concepts; extra credit is not offered. Assessment retakes are to be scheduled with the teacher in accordance with their individual retake policy. Teachers and administrators will work with students who cheat or plagiarize to redo practice or assessments in a more structured setting. Teachers will communicate with parents at least a week prior about assessment dates and deadlines. WORK HABITS/CITIZENSHIP GRADING Albion students are expected to turn in quality work, on-time, every day. This will develop strong work habits in preparation for further schooling and life. To hold students accountable for developing behaviors and habits leading to success in school and to create a positive academic learning environment, each student will receive a Work Habits/Citizenship grade for each class each quarter. The grade is based on the Albion Work Habits / Citizenship Rubric. Report cards and midterm progress reports are posted on Skyward. An email notification will be sent to parents and guardians. You will need your login information for Skyward to access these reports. If you do not have your login information, please contact the Main Office at (801) 826-6700 where they can assist you.
If you have other concerns or questions, please contact your child’s assistant principal or school counselor. Last Names A-L Justin Matagi, Assistant Principal Cathy Nelson, Counselor
Last Names L-Z Sandy LeCheminant, Assistant Principal Reagan Jewell, Counselor
EMERGENCY LESSON PLANS • All teachers are required to provide two days of lessons plans. You keep one copy of these plans in your substitute folder in your own classroom; another copy needs to be given to Karen in the main office. NO VIDEOS! • Replace emergency lesson plans if used during the school year. • ALL teachers are responsible for leaving substitute plans/materials on their desk where the substitute teacher can easily find them. • Do not use your emergency lesson plans unless it is an emergency! If you know you will be out of school, you need to prepare specific lesson plans for the day/s you will miss. • DUE to Karen by AUGUST 30, 2019 EMERGENCY RESPONSE § Instructions and a map of the building are included in your emergency clipboard that should be kept visible near the door of each classroom. This will especially be helpful for subs. Take the clipboard with you when you exit during an emergency. § Once outside, students should quickly and calmly proceed to the front parking lot according to your classroom location (see map). § Take roll. If all are present, hold up your green card for all present. If needed, fill out the red card (any missing or extra students), and/or fill out the yellow card if needed, and give it to your Branch Director. § During drills, look for ways to improve the process and pass this along to Sandy for the Safety Committee to review. EMPLOYEE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS Employee identification numbers are found in Employee Skyward, Employee Information, Personal Information, Employee ID. FACULTY DUES o Faculty dues are used by the Sunshine Committee to purchase cards and gifts for all faculty and staff members who have significant life-changing events such as marriages, babies, deaths, etc. o Amount is $25/year for full-time employees and $12.50/year for part-time. o Pay Karen in the office by Monday, September 16. Make checks payable to Albion Middle School.
FEES AND FEE WAIVERS § Only board-approved fees may be charged. § Parents were able to pay school fees during the online registration process. If you want a list of students who have paid, Karen can print one for you. § Check with the main office if a student fee waiver is in question – please don’t ask a student. It is the parent who applies for a fee waiver and often the student does not know their status. FIELD TRIPS • Fill out a field trip form and submit it to Justin at least 6 weeks prior to the field trip so there is time to get the date on the calendar, order the buses on time, and avoid a late fee. • Read and follow all of the information at the top of the field trip form. • Field Trips cannot be scheduled on Fridays. All Albion forms can be downloaded from under the “Faculty/Staff” menu. They are also available in the faculty lounge by the mailboxes.
Due to Justin at least 6 weeks prior to the Field Trip
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FIXED ASSET INVENTORY • Do not move any inventoried item to or from your room UNTIL you have done the paperwork. See Karen prior to making any changes to your classroom furniture/accessory inventory. • For surplus, see Karen in the main office. GRADING POLICY Albion 2019-2020 Grading Policy
Keeping Current
Work needs to be graded and recorded each week. No assignment should go unrecorded for longer than a week. (Rare cases: If a particular item is going to take you longer than a week to grade, go through and see who didn’t turn it in, and give them zero/missing on Skyward; update as needed.) Grades will consist of 80% Assessments/20% Practice [The 80% can be broken up as long as it’s still assessment (e.g., 50% Tests, 30% Quizzes)]
The Asterisk * The asterisk is Skyward’s default symbol. It signifies that the practice/assessment has been assigned, is due by the date posted, and has not yet been graded by the teacher . It does not indicate whether an assignment is missing or not. Missing Work If a practice/assessment is missing, there should be a 0 (zero) in the score cell on Skyward, and the Missing box should be checked.
Late-work Deadlines
Teachers will use their own judgment in deciding what to do with work that comes in late. (i.e. Deadline after one week? Deadline by the end of the unit?) For Assessments: Retakes must be given for full credit and should require evidence of additional study or learning. (e.g., successful completion of missing work). Teachers will use their own discretion in deciding how many retakes will be allowed per assessment. For Practice: Retakes are not required. Teachers will use their own discretion in giving students the opportunity to redo a practice assignment. For Assessments: Teachers will change any 0 to 50% of the points possible. For Practice: Teachers will leave it as a 0 and Missing, or simply excuse it.
End of Grading Period
Whatever your specific policies are, it is expected that all policies and procedures are clearly articulated to parents and students at the beginning of the year and periodically throughout the year, and are spelled out on your Canvas Page. Consistency is absolutely critical, and policies should be in alignment with your team and curriculum partner. Simplicity is always best.
§ Everyone § Every day § Every period § Actively engaged in helping students “Do it the Knight Way” in a positive way. § Give Goblet of Goodness cards during hall breaks. HALL PASSES § Create an accountability system for using hall passes in your classroom. Accountability is crucial for where students are if they are out of your classroom. § Students have a 4-minute passing time between classes so most students should not have to be in the hallways during class time. § If you see a student in the hallway during class time, ask to see their hall pass. HOMEWORK LUNCH (HoWL) Homework Lunch is a program where students receive a “working lunch” to finish homework they did not complete and turn in to their teacher. The goal is for all students to build the habit of completing and turning in homework on time. This program is designed to encourage quality homework completion. Teachers may assign students to HoWL on a daily or weekly basis. If homework is turned in prior to Homework Lunch, the student will be excused from their working lunch. KIVA AND COMMONS USE • The Kiva and Commons must be calendared with Justin. • Scheduling is done on a “first come, first served” basis. • Let Jenni Perkins know of any sound, lighting, or special needs you have at least 3 days prior to the scheduled activity. • Let the custodians know if you need tables, chairs, or other items set up at least 3 days prior to the scheduled activity. KNIGHT OF THE DAY • Approximately 3 times throughout the school year you will turn in 2 Knights of the Day (1 male and 1 female). You will receive a calendar invite the week prior to your K of D assignment with a link to a Google form. • This is a great way to celebrate individual students for their improvements in behavior, academics, or any other accomplishments. • These will be printed on Knight of the Day certificates and read over the morning announcements. LEGISLATIVE MONEY • Legislative money is distributed on a purchasing card that you will receive at the beginning of the school year. Money must be spent by March 15, 2020 .
LUNCH INFORMATION • Lunch is $3.50 for adults and $2.00 for students. All adult lunch accounts must be kept in the positive. • Lunch assignments are developed in an effort to balance the number of students in each lunch and keep disruptions to a minimum. It is important that you do not change your assigned lunch. Your lunch assignment is designated on the master schedule. MINDFULNESS Mindfulness is an important part of our social and emotional learning approach at Albion. All teachers are to lead their class in participating either at the beginning or the end of second period at least two times weekly (preferably more) utilizing the Inner Explorer online curriculum. Students should be encouraged to participate, but not forced. All students, however, are to be respectful to others who are participating. PURCHASING PROTOCOLS • ALL ORDERS ARE TO BE APPROVED BY THE PRINCIPAL PRIOR TO PURCHASE. • Authorization/Reimbursement Form: Fill out the “Authorization/Reimbursement Form” and attach original receipts. Submit to the principal for approval. • Purchase Order: Fill out the “Purchase Order Form.” Submit to the principal for approval before order is placed. Indicate on the form if the office is to order, or if the order is already placed. Attach order confirmation if you place the order. Return to the head secretary in the Main Office for processing. • Supply Request Form: Fill out “Supply Request Form” and return to the main office. Please plan ahead and order in advance large quantities and special items that we may not have in stock. All Albion forms can be downloaded from under the “Faculty/Staff” menu. They are also available in the faculty lounge by the mailboxes.
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